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  1. jimson

    eco testr ph1 saying 5.6 in my gh waterfarm but when i double check with drops 7.0

    I just replaced my PH-1 - it served me well for ONE year! Then it began to read more slowly and finally I checked it against an old aquarium test kit I got at Wally-world - I was amazed my stuff was still green! (soil's a great buffer) I got a PH-2 from Amazon for 20 bucks less than the PH-1...
  2. jimson

    Help! What is in my Meds??

    FYI - I did not replace the water. The wet weed smell was very bad, skunky in a bad way. I dried the now-falling-apart bud on a plastic screen set over my (empty) humidifier with the fan set on low. The buds are no longer as sticky but testing shows that water-curing worked very well. The...
  3. jimson

    Help! What is in my Meds??

    I put a medium sized cola in distilled water Saturday night - today the water is cloudy and sort of a tannish color. I see some people only water cure for a couple days but I am wondering if I should replace the water and go for a few more days? Anybody?
  4. jimson

    Help! What is in my Meds??

    Water curing sounds like a winner. Thanks people! I will report back on my results.
  5. jimson

    Help! What is in my Meds??

    RE: FLUSH, I flushed last two weeks with weak (200ppm) balanced nutes. I forgot something - I used compost tea every other watering during flowering. I borrowed a recipe (2 drops of Superthrive, 2 tablspoons of 8-3-1 bat guano, 1 tablespoon of raw molasses - bubbled for two days) for 2 gallons...
  6. jimson

    Help! What is in my Meds??

    Hey - I shared some of my 2nd crop of Himalaya Gold with friends and they pointed out a bad effect I have been trying to ignore. My first crop was grown in a bubbler setup - the grow went OK except for my ph blunders - the result was perfect just what I need for med use and otherwise. This...
  7. jimson

    Questions about Canna Aqua nutes...

    I am using Canna nutes in my 1st hydro grow - I could use some help. The directions insist that you mix A and B in your reservoir - THEN wait for several hours - WhY? The EC doesn't change after 4 hours and neither does the PH. PH! My water starts at 6.5 ph but as soon as I mix in the nutes...
  8. jimson

    Best media for me - Tips? Opinions??

    I am halfway through flowering my first hydro crop (DWC & drip) and I have run into a problem at work. I have to travel a lot more than usual. (that or find another job!) My question is this - NEXT crop - what is the best way to grow that will allow me to be away for 5-7 days twice a month...
  9. jimson

    Hermie's from UV Light???

    Okay, this is my first hydro grow (drip & dwc) and I DID stress my plants by going out of town and letting the tops get burned by the lights (CFL). BUT - at 3 weeks into flowering I have two females (a Northern Lights & a fem PPP) that have suddenly sprouted balls! It dawned on me this...
  10. jimson

    The Ultimate Odour Control Thread

    In the last 3 weeks I have 'discovered' at least 3 other growers. One in Denver a block from the Amtrak station - these folks are being careless about their HPS lights. And two others due to lack of odor control (one near Reno and another in Madison, WI). Now the guys in Reno must have a huge...
  11. jimson

    Old Newbie has questions...

    I have been away from growing since the disco era. We grew in our closets and nobody (at least in my midwest town) cared or tried to grow without getting seeds.:eyesmoke: Last year I vacationed on Vancouver Island and found out that the local meds are better than the ones my doctor is...
  12. jimson

    Where to get Drip equipment?

    Moto - you were right they have everything you could want at Lowe's. Home Depot not so much.
  13. jimson

    Where to get Drip equipment?

    Where is a good place to order drip irrigation stuff online? I am trying to locate stuff I've seen in the (Mr Green & J. Cervantes) videos but the folks at Home Depot and Lowe's just look at me like I am there to "prank" them or something. In fact, the friendly folks at both Lowes near here...
  14. jimson

    Order Clones (is this for real?)

    I was surfing You-Tube and ran into a guy calling himself Guerrila Grower. Claims you can order clones by mail. Is there any truth to this? Or is it just another advertising site? TIA