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  1. B

    4x8 or 5x10?

    I'll be running 2 luxxs. My first thought was a 5x10 for the extra room but someone had mentioned that the lights are ment for a 4x4 area so in a 5x5 area it'll be less efficient. I was told I'd be pulling the same weight and it would be more cost efficient
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    4x8 or 5x10?

    would it be more efficient to run my 2 luxx 645 in a 4x8 instead of a 5x10. They recommend a 4x4 area per light but I've always had good success in a 5x5. Moving to a place where the average for electricity is about 14 cents/ kwh so I'd like to know if it'll be more cost efficient in a smaller tent
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    Soil Recipe Help Please!

    I'm about to make a mix of a 2 to 1 ratio. 2 parts fort vee to a part of pro mix hp. Adding in alot of rice hulls in hopes of getting a lighter soil.
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    Richard how would you go about feeding in flower. I want to incorporate at least 2 fungal...

    Richard how would you go about feeding in flower. I want to incorporate at least 2 fungal dominant teas and also Feeding teas mainly of ewc and compost 1 a week. Would you recommend fish bone meal in early flower to add nitrogen with the stretch? What about going into mid flower what would you...
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    Help with flowering tea recipes!

    Yes I do. I'm in need of a phosphorus strong tea
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    Help with flowering tea recipes!

    I'm in desperate need of some flowering teas due to phosphorus deficiency happening. Ive fed probably 3 worm casting teas very early on in flower and nothing since
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    Wine cooler for long time storage

    My place is always around 80°+ and last harvest I lost several ounces due to hot temperatures even though they stayed in a dark room. I'm trying to avoid this again and wondering how wine coolers work. Any input on how to keep weed fresh for a longer time, humidity or light is not an issue but...
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    Making a temple ball

    When squishing the hash what can use use besides cellophane? Turkey bags, parchment paper? Any input would be great first time making one!
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    Making a temple ball

    I can get turkey bags for sure. Would I be better off ordering cellophane online or just using the turkey bags
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    Making a temple ball

    I'm about to make my first temple ball any tips would greatly be appreciated. Also can I use parchment paper instead of cellophane
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    Using sea 90

    Can anyone help inform me on sea 90 what exactly is it? What's beneficial about it? How do I use it? And can I mix it in soil?
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    Tent thickness matters?

    Thank you everyone
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    Tent thickness matters?

    What is to be expected running a tent with 600d instead of the 1680d or higher. Why is the thicker material better? Does the light bounce off better?
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    Enhancing coast of Maine a stonington blend

    I'm sure it is. I did score it at $15 a bag so it wasn't as bad as $30!
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    Enhancing coast of Maine a stonington blend

    What is the stonington blend?
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    Enhancing coast of Maine a stonington blend

    What about bokashi bran and bio char and then running teas of fresh worm castings
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    Enhancing coast of Maine a stonington blend

    I scored it from the grow store for half off due to the delivery driver ripping the bags lol. But the rice hulls or perlite is definitely needed it's super dense soil it does have perlite but not enough aeration for sure
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    Enhancing coast of Maine a stonington blend

    This what is in the stonington blend and I'm looking to enhance this recipe if I can. To start off it's a really heavy soil so I'd like to add rice hulls for aeration and the other added benefits like extra silica for the plants! Also bio char that's been supercharged In a compost tea. Would...
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    Katsu Seeds

    Putangx burnt toast is so fucking good!
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    Katsu Seeds

    I have some I haven't run yet. Pretty excited