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  1. Sassy420

    Fresh clone EC

    So basically just tap water?
  2. Sassy420

    Fresh clone EC

    Roots look great white and growing fast I’ve got two 240w quantum boards at the lowest setting
  3. Sassy420

    Fresh clone EC

    I’m using local South African nutrients similar to terra tripart with a light silica dose less than 5ml no calmag
  4. Sassy420

    Fresh clone EC

    Hi growmies I’m having a lil trouble with my marshmallow og clones in RDWC. They are popping roots but what seems like a toxicity is occurring EC is sitting at 0.5 lowered from 0.6 ph stable. Any advice on what ec these girls should be on? Around day 10 although they already had minor roots upon...
  5. Sassy420

    My girls need your advice

    My pump with a 5 year warranty broke in a couple months pretty sure it’s to blame:cry:
  6. Sassy420

    My girls need your advice

    I don’t know if slimey is the right word a load of particles dispersed upon inspections definitely not a good sign co2 problems are possible I will check air pump and stones as water level is staticthanks for the chart will share
  7. Sassy420

    Blaze & Daze

    Loss wreaks havoc on the human mind and soul. I hope you and your wife can find some version of peace despite the circumstances. Thinking of you.
  8. Sassy420

    My girls need your advice

    Ph went from 6.0 to 5.8 thinking now I have root rot :/ do the symptoms align? I’ve added a fungal inoculant and will change res to flower Nutes with h202. Endless problems with this grow hurts my confidence. I deeply appreciate your help
  9. Sassy420

    My girls need your advice

    I’m growing DWC still using veg nutes these girls aren’t heavy feeders sitting at 1.2 EC halfway through week 2. I sprayed with bio sulfur and ec has been stable I raised to 1.3 and yellowing started went back to 1.2 and now my ph is dropping ec is stable.leaves are yellowing top down and I...
  10. Sassy420

    Safe DWC EC levels

    It was starting to raise to about 2.5 however after replenishing reservoir back to normal levels by lowering to 1.6 am I missing out on yields? Conflicting advice here :confused:
  11. Sassy420

    Safe DWC EC levels

    Some conflicting advice here although I hear what you’re saying according to their breeder (I bought clones) they have a 9 week flower I’m down to 1.6 and will see how they react
  12. Sassy420

    Safe DWC EC levels

    These ladies are at day 38 flowering and have been going strong at 2.4 ec I’m using TA nutrients and according to my GHE feeding schedule at week 6 they should be going from 2.4 - 1.6 ec however this seems drastic as plants seem perfectly happy. Any advice?
  13. Sassy420

    Help diagnosing and treating a lil problem

    hello fellow marijuana cultivators ive run into a slight nutrient issue in about this last week of growing. Any help in diagnosing and treating the issue is much appreciated :weed: