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  1. P

    What size HPS and MH bulbs for this space?

    What are my cooling options for this sort of thing? I've seen the "cool tube" setup that others have used, but I might prefer something prefabricated.
  2. P

    What size HPS and MH bulbs for this space?

    Also, I'm all ears if anybody knows of a good "system" deal, the sort that includes the ballast, reflector, and a couple matching bulbs (one HPS, one MH).
  3. P

    What size HPS and MH bulbs for this space?

    Hi everyone, I've used CFLs in the past, and may step up to something better suited to the later stages of that I've got my sea legs, so to speak, I think it's time to not be so cheap with my setup. The grow space, if uncluttered, is 5' wide, 2.5' deep, and about 8' tall. It is...
  4. P

    Most reliable way to prepare ganja?

    I made butter once before with an ounce of schwag and it had very little effect, complete waste. I have a half an ounce of very good indica that is very fresh and sticky, making it sorta hard to smoke. I know that most concoctions require a good amount of bud, so I would like to be sure that I...
  5. P

    Clean your bowls!

    It took that solution (alcohol + salt) as well as hot water for all that time, plus a few pokey metal instruments to dislodge and break up the larger chunks.
  6. P

    Clean your bowls!

    So I just cleaned my oldest piece, which is three years old (always joints and blunts before that) and I have to say...if you aren't cleaning your bowls, you need to. This piece was green and blue when I purchased it with the blue glass being transparent. Over time, the bowl part became green...
  7. P

    Bump If You're Baked!

    Blueberry-flavored blunt wrap of chronic from Cali...damn I had too much.
  8. P

    who here watches the joy of painting with bob ross?

    I remember MAD TV did a pretty funny one a while ago.
  9. P

    Roll your joints with or without filter?

    Without. My spliffs seem to burn faster with a filter and it just screws up the thing's form.
  10. P

    This is america - copland

    What you guys have got to get through yout heads is that this shit happens almost everywhere, and much worse in some other places (like Russia). It's the same struggle all over the world and there's no escaping it just by leaving America. When you give a segment of society power over another...
  11. P

    Is this my first MALE??? + Rep URGENT!!

    Damn, why'd you let it come along so far? Definitely male.
  12. P

    Corner rolling technique

    I always use two papers for a fat spliff now. It burns much slower, like a blunt. The ratio of rolling material to bud has to be right or you'll be wasting a ton.
  13. P

    Corner rolling technique

    I usually rolled them straight, horizontally until recently.
  14. P

    Corner rolling technique

    Crappy Photoshop drawing...too late to photograph it from the beginning. The green is the bud, the diagonals are the folds you make.
  15. P

    Corner rolling technique

    Does anybody else roll their joints like this? By rolling from the corner, you get a perfectly conical spliff.
  16. P

    topping my plants

    From the top.
  17. P

    Help with figuring energy bill.

    Seriously, use punctuation. Then run the light at the end of your billing term and extrapolate that data for the month.
  18. P

    Airport Security Paranoid

    No problem at all, hell, I've boarded planes blazed off my ass before. I've never even seen drug dogs in an airport before, not that I'd try to smuggle anything on-board. The presence of these critters is exaggerated.
  19. P

    Eating Roaches

    I remove the paper from the roach and mix the (very potent) roach weed with fresh stuff in joints. It's sticky and really holds the joint together well. It's also good to put at the base of a bong bowl to prevent the fresh stuff from pulling through.
  20. P

    420 tribute.

    I had work today, so I just blazed a football-looking spliff while watching hockey.