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    deficiency or excess?

    Hello I'm in the 8th week of flowering, what do these yellow tips mean? they are not burnt, they just lost their green color
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    deficit problem

    gelato auto variety 6th week of life, what do these discolorations on the leaves mean?
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    Problem with stretching

    topping at this stage of development? I've had a few weeds before but I've never done anything like this , preflowers have already shown, is it too late for this treatment?
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    Problem with stretching

    Hello, I have 6 autos 5/6 weeks old they grew without any problems, but unfortunately they must had to spend 2 weeks outside Yesterday they came back into the grow box and I noticed that they stretched out terribly. I know it's normal during this phase of their lives. but this time the...
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    Heat accident

    Hello, due to a failure of the thermostat in the heater, my trout plants suffered.., this is the 7th week of flowering, do you think they will swell and something will come of them or is the damage too great?
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    Growing in Winter. Temp-humidity problem

    what do you think about plants? Will there be any more of them? Isn't it worth counting on nice flowers?
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    Growing in Winter. Temp-humidity problem

    the radiator is very close because that's all I have in the grow box, but there's another problem... worse... I used a blower with a heater and the thermostat was set to 22 degrees, it blew to 41... luckily, I took it out after a few hours, but my 2 plants were they got injured, the augladaja...
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    Growing in Winter. Temp-humidity problem

    Hello I grow it in winter, the temperature in the garage where the grow box is located is around 0° when I use an electric heater with a blower, the humidity inside drops dramatically. however, when I use an oil radiator, the temperature is 19/20 degrees and when I try to increase the power, the...
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    Defolation question

    I did a slight defoliation, the leaves are not suffocating on top of each other, but it is still so dense that the canopy covers the entire box.
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    Defolation question

    po namyśle zdecydował się go lekko rozcieńczyć, taki jest efekt, ledwo widoczny, a myślę, że poprawi to cyrkulację powietrza i poziom nawilżenia
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    Defolation question

    I know that leaves store energy and act like solar panels to produce energy, but I think that removing 10-15% of the leaves (the large ones that fall on top of each other) will improve air circulation and illuminate the lower parts of the plant
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    Defolation question

    I see different opinions, I think that I will only remove some fan leaves because I am actually afraid of lack of air flow and mold in the future, but I will not do it too hard, I hope that it will not harm them, because they look quite nice
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    Defolation question

    Hello, we have the 4th week of flowering, I'm wondering if I should defoliate and make a nice exposed cola, or is it too late? I want to tear off the fan leaves, what do you think
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    Floweing check week 2.5

    hi, it's been 2.5 weeks since the light change 12/12, the girls are not growing much anymore. what do you think everything looks ok? and won't it be a bit too bushy later?
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    Scrog help

    I already have a few crops behind me, but this is my first scrog, I wanted to have a box full of colas , what does the KISS method mean? i haven't heard this before
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    Scrog help

    the pots are not that small, they are 20 liters
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    Scrog help

    hey guys, wedding crushers vegetative week 5 has passed, mesh installed 25 cm above the pots, what do you think, change the light to 12/12 or wait another week or more?
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    Amesia lemon flowering week 6 check

    hi, my ladies are 6 weeks into flowering, the amnesia lemon variety looks rather healthy and the buds are nice as well but I'm a bit concerned about the size of them theoretically I still have 2/3 weeks until harvest. Do you think they will get more mass?
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    Flowering problem

    the light is about 40 cm from the tops the lamp is lumatek attis 300w ba full power
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    Flowering problem

    only one plant out of 3 shows so little flowering, but I'll give it a chance maybe it will start later and show beautiful colas