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  1. fizikz

    Strawberryhaze Flowering 6th week Pics

    here she is its the first day of the 6th weel of flowering, any questions ill be glad to answer. 1st time grow by the way.
  2. fizikz

    a branch broke help

    i was trying to move my plant and i had a branch tyed off i pulled the plant and forgot about the branch, it got bent in half but did not break. the plant is budding and its the 5th week, if i wrap the broken branch will it be ok?
  3. fizikz

    Strawberry haze. 4th week. *pics*

    yea i wont sweat it. she is doing really well, i cant wait till harvest.
  4. fizikz

    Strawberry haze. 4th week. *pics*

    there is a little drooping in the leaves, i dont know why.
  5. fizikz

    Strawberry haze. 4th week. *pics*

    this is arjans strawberry haze, from greenhouse. soil is ocean forest from fox farm, nutes are tiger bloom and grow big from fox farm. 10 inch pot, 250 w hps, little fan, carbonated water for co2. LST method utilized.
  6. fizikz

    Strawberry haze. 4th week. *pics*

    here are the pics, any questions ill be happy to answer. its the 4th week. today :bigjoint:
  7. fizikz

    Strawberry haze flowering pics

    carbonated water can be used, you have to pour it in a spray bottle, and mist the plant with it, works just as good as co2 tank, well thats what says.
  8. fizikz

    how buds grow

    haha, well, i have raised the light because the one branch is growing much ffaster and taller than the rest. and was too close to the light. how do i get thye branches closer together, and why would i want that? its been LSTd thats why they are spread out like that, for better light penetration...
  9. fizikz

    how buds grow

    sorry again, im using a 250w hps, fox farm soil mixed with verm and perlite, and fox farm nutes... i.e. grow big and tiger bloom. used LST grow method, i was going to let the main stalk grow around the inside edge of the pot, but greenhouses arjans strawberry haze, well it got so i...
  10. fizikz

    how buds grow

    i dont have a problem with this site, i just got frustrated, i typed a long ass thread and waited like 10 min for 3 pis to upload. sorry for affending those with such a massive boner for this site. i will say its wayyy better than grasscity though
  11. fizikz

    how buds grow

    im sure you did
  12. fizikz

    how buds grow

    dude they just poopped up 2 days ago, they are getting bigger by the day, im pretty sure ill have more, its been in flowering for 2 weeks and 2 days. 9 more weeks to go, im sure theyll get a little bigger between now and then.
  13. fizikz

    how buds grow

    yea, you heard that huh? i didnt think tards like you could understand words. thanks for the tip, now you can go suck a bag of dicks, peace
  14. fizikz

    how buds grow

    ok, one i hate this site, everytime i finish typing shit, then try and post pics, it fucks up, so this might just be another effortless attempt. sorry if my spelling sucks, in a hurry. ok, here is the strawberry haze, all i want to know is if these spaces in between the chutes and leaf sets...
  15. fizikz

    Clone dying HELP!!

    that pic is from yesterday, its even worse today.
  16. fizikz

    Clone dying HELP!!

    i have this one clone, it is my second attempt at cloning. first time i had a very immature cutting, this time it was on its 4th leaf set, and was becoming a vigorous chute. so i used it as a clone. the rooting hormone is called "rootone" by garden tech. it is a rooting hormone with fungicide...
  17. fizikz

    Strawberry haze flowering pics

    here she is i posted one already but forgot the pics so, here they are too. soil - ocean forest/verm/perlite nutes - grow big & tiger bloom airation - samll fan c02 - carbonated water light - 250w HPS.. 12/12 temps - 70-85
  18. fizikz

    Isit too late to start LST'ing a plant 3 weeks in flower?

    yep hermie, or the stem will split because, after flowering the plant tend to turn from flimsy stems, that can be bent slightly, to wood, that will break like a pencil. too late and i hope you are letting her grow naturally. make some clones, revert them back to veg, and then lst them.
  19. fizikz


    ok its been 2 weeks into flowering, i am seeing white hairs on all the tops, i also noticed that the tops were growing much denser with little leaves,and hairs i squeezed them very gently, they are still small, but is this the top of a baby bud. are these buds
  20. fizikz

    strawberry haze pics flowering 2nd week
