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  1. F

    Bitch ass kind leds

    My first jump into LED was with one of these years ago. Absolute elephant shit. I was fuming after the hype my local store made about them coming out.
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    Show off your best flowers!!

    Loving the purple on this WW pheno. These White wedding went into the flower tent a little premature as I pulled two males from the tent. They're still doing great. Have you tried Cookies rbX or big detroit energy? I have them seeds in the stash thinking about growing them next. You've ordered...
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    Show off your best flowers!!

    Some sweet flowers out there. Heres 2 unknown bagseed and 2 Ethos White Wedding
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    New FSeries Build. Plants drooping

    After the teething problems getting started with this Fseries light it's all going well now. Looking forward to seeing the end product!
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    New FSeries Build. Plants drooping

    Extraction is now on about 30%. I’m playing with that setting at the moment as I have added a carbon filter since the light flip. Trying to find a sweet spot with the flow now being restricted. Im also about to get a small dehumidifier with a regulator as the tent now holds 60-65% RH on its...
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    New FSeries Build. Plants drooping

    Pity I didn’t have a fourth bagseed at the time as that scrog net would be nicely filled out now :roll: good genetics for the next run. I’ll get it filled next time
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    New FSeries Build. Plants drooping

    This was a nice read OS thanks. Update on the girls. They seemed to max out at 35-40% while vegging under this light. Stress seems to creep in when I go above that mark. Hopefully I can safely crank it up soon as I flipped to 12/12 two days ago. Temps dialled in perfect and holding at 82 day...
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    New FSeries Build. Plants drooping

    Lights bumped. Incredible bounce back. They’re in week 7 of veg with probably a week lost due to the stress. Think I’ll give them another week or 2 before 12/12 and praying for 3 girls :shock: Thanks again for the help
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    New FSeries Build. Plants drooping

    Second full day after reduction to 20%. Two at the back are now perky again and returning to normal colour. Temps at about 80 by day 72 by night. Im going to leave it at 20% for another day or two.
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    New FSeries Build. Plants drooping

    I’m going to move the extraction down. @DukeFluke not on full power. It’s running at about 20%. I think if I bring it down to extract from the bottom I’ll reduce it further down to about 10%. Passive intake only. Helpful tips. I definitely prefer worrying about raising temps than lowering. That...
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    New FSeries Build. Plants drooping

    Interesting read there. Thanks OS
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    New FSeries Build. Plants drooping

    Brilliant. I’ve dropped it to 20% now. Hopefully they’ll recover and I will bump gradually as you’ve said. I will follow up with an update when I hopefully see a change. Think I got carried away with the new light. Too much intensity
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    New FSeries Build. Plants drooping

    @jcdws602 sounds like I have a very similar situation. It was 4/5 days before the problem really showed. Dimmed to 20%?? That’s one hell of a drop. Maybe I’ve underestimated the output of these lights. When increasing the power what percentage did you find the sweet spot for vegging? @Rocket...
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    New FSeries Build. Plants drooping

    I will add some pics of the light later for any DIYers who may be interested.
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    New FSeries Build. Plants drooping

    First time poster long time follower. Recently finished my fseries light and moved it into the new setup. Haven’t grown in several years, decided to kick it off again as I’ve got a new house with plenty of space. Previously used a 1000w DE Gavita. Constant temp worries in the past with this. 4...
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    DiY - Samsung's strips

    @Have2 Im currently on a similar build. Your thread was helpful. Did you wire these in series or parallel? Hope your beast is yielding as expected??