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  1. drgreenfum

    Pure female goin hermie?

    i said stress is bad aswell lol do i get rep?????
  2. drgreenfum

    Pure female goin hermie?

    dont stress your plants dude
  3. drgreenfum

    so my partner licks balls.....

    same shit happened to me man my partner fucked me ryte over kept turning the lights off when i went home didnt water em when it was neccecary etc. cant trust no1 except urself
  4. drgreenfum

    cfl first grow

    hi guys so ive decided to start my first grow with cfl. i got myself two cfl bulbs from my local hardware store which are producing 2500 lumens between em and thats for 1 autoflowering nirvana shortrider plant. ( its just one plant atm cos i dont wana fuck up a whole crop.) im growing them in...
  5. drgreenfum

    Cheap CFL Uk

    mate if ur in the uk go to the hardware store focus there doin 5 cfl's for 49p i just wacked all 5 in and bang i had BRIGHT lights if ur lookin for cheap that is the way to go and it worked for me till i can afford a hps
  6. drgreenfum

    auto-flowering chronic

    standard guys thanks for the info
  7. drgreenfum

    auto-flowering chronic

    hi guys and gals ive been searching for some autoflowering chronic and i cant find any know does that mean ive cum to a dead end or not lookin hard enough? has any1 ever come across any of these bad boys? thanks:leaf:
  8. drgreenfum

    CFL and HPS

    thanks for that :bigjoint:
  9. drgreenfum

    CFL and HPS

    can i veg wid cfl and flower with hps will it make a difference? :wall:
  10. drgreenfum

    changing nutrients

    plz ne help
  11. drgreenfum

    changing nutrients

    hi im on my vegin cycle at the moment and i remember talkin 2 a guy hu said its a good idea to change the brand of nutrients every other week andthat the plants like that change is this true? any1 tried it? thanks guys and gals:hump:
  12. drgreenfum

    blue or red

  13. drgreenfum

    blue or red

    hi first time CFL grower!! a quick query do i need blue for veg and red for flowering or visa versa? thanks guys and gals!
  14. drgreenfum

    dr hornbys big bud

    thanks dude :mrgreen: dont supose uve heard or used of this product either have u?
  15. drgreenfum

    dr hornbys big bud i found this while looking for sum nutes has any 1 used this? or know ne1 hu dus?
  16. drgreenfum

    Nutrient query??

    Hi so im growin plants in pots and ive just realised im using hydroponic nutrients will this cause any serious problems? :wall: thanks