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  1. IggidyBiggidy

    SUPER AUTO seeds (flash seeds)

    Pic of annapurna outdoors, looks sick if these are legit im fully off to get some
  2. IggidyBiggidy

    SUPER AUTO seeds (flash seeds)

    Im also well intrested in these super autos. Just sounds too good to be true though! have seen some pics of someone growing nirvana sky outside n they look like nothin else, like huuuge! and all in 3 n a bit months?!?
  3. IggidyBiggidy


    sup fdd! sickk :) where you from man?
  4. IggidyBiggidy


    just thought id say hi :) hows it going? im off to start growin dead soon so i thought id join here n get some helpful advice! Many people from uk on here?! peace guys :blsmoke:
  5. IggidyBiggidy

    Low-Wattage CFL Growers!

    this is my first post btw, been readin n stuff for ages but only just got round to gettin a grow on, so hi!:)
  6. IggidyBiggidy

    Low-Wattage CFL Growers!

    Hi, lookin for some advice, i wana start my first grow soon, i got some easy ryders on the way in the post, but i only got two 125w cfls. Is that off to be enough for 3 little plants?!