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  1. GasLxfe

    What do I do?? Help Wanted

    Sup growing fam, just wanna update everybody on my plants from previous issues on this thread. (if anybody cares lol) I’m running a 4x4, TSW2000 LED, two fans (top and bottom canopy) and ventilation fan ofc and a humidifier when needed. Now I did say that having my humidifier in the tent was a...
  2. GasLxfe

    What do I do?? Help Wanted

    Right on. I have been doing good with airflow, temp has been good aswell. Only thing is I had my humidifier in the tent not knowing that wasn’t a good idea. How should I go about fixing the RH?
  3. GasLxfe

    What do I do?? Help Wanted

    It’s not, just dried milk.
  4. GasLxfe

    What do I do?? Help Wanted

    Right on, I will give it a try.
  5. GasLxfe

    What do I do?? Help Wanted

    Thank you Rurumo, I will look into it.
  6. GasLxfe

    What do I do?? Help Wanted

    Just cause the dried milk looked almost like mildew itself in some spots and I can’t fully distinguish what’s mildew and what’s dried milk.
  7. GasLxfe

    What do I do?? Help Wanted

    I recently discovered some of the leaves on my plants had powdery mildew, so I then found out about milk spray and tried it. My plants are doing well and it seems as if the powdery mildew is gone, however, the milk spray dried on my leaves and now they have dried milk on them. What can I do to...
  8. GasLxfe

    What do I do?

  9. GasLxfe

    What do I do?

  10. GasLxfe

    What do I do?

    I recently discovered some of the leaves on my plants had powdery mildew, so I then found out about milk spray and tried it. My plants are doing well and it seems as if the powdery mildew is gone, however, the milk spray dried on my leaves and now they have dried milk on them. What can I do to...