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  1. K

    Runoff ph issue

    Will be leaked**
  2. K

    Runoff ph issue

    Ok well none of y'all can really awnser this shits dead I'll just ride with it till the end and see my results and IF I even find whats up trust me the info won't be leaked on this forum
  3. K

    Runoff ph issue

    I also don't know what my city puts in the water it's not written anywhere even on their water treatment website.. see where I'm getting?
  4. K

    Runoff ph issue

    The only other 2 options I see is underwatering and or denitrifying bacteria which all of that is water related
  5. K

    Runoff ph issue

    Finally someone speaks some sense and doesn't spit on Gaia my start ppm is roughly the same as you coming out the tap but my ph is somewhere between 7.5 and 8 and here we go Soo I haven't given any calmag supplements because even if I would give some my ph is over 7.2 Soo it's basically useless...
  6. K

    Runoff ph issue

    I'm not saying you'll only use the Gaia amendment it's general and you usually add other amendments to make more of an organic coco with the very base nutrients Gaia has I don't see why people spit on it Soo much
  7. K

    Runoff ph issue

    Mick Im sure I'll live to tell you about my success with Gaia my issue doesn't come from the food man it's my water.. I don't spit on any criticism but I've seen more than one grow with Gaia do good things not only in coco but also in soil and peat
  8. K

    Runoff ph issue

    I wouldn't say root bound but the bottom of the pot had plenty of visible roots for me Soo I'm slowly transplanting them
  9. K

    Runoff ph issue

    Hey guys I'm running 2 cheap led's in a 2by4 veg tent with a 96cfm duct fan ( I have a bigger one if that's the issue 200cfm w carbon filter) and one medium oscillating fan.. my medium is coco/perlite mix and I'm using Gaia organics, I believe I have a ph issue my water going into my coco is 5.8...
  10. K

    Coco ph problems!

    Well I shall prove my own thread wrong 1. My plants were only thirsty and hungry for a top dress due to the fact that I didn't amend properly the first time as for the coco it's pre-buffered so if there was cal/mag in well my babies prob used it all up without me adding any because the...
  11. K

    Buffer Coco coir

    I wouldn't say a double buffer would be any good to already buffered coco but like cannacoco bricks they are lightly buffered so I buffer at 100% solution instead of the recommended 150%
  12. K

    *update on my coco issue*

    To all newbies I hope you have done your research about unbuffered coco before doing my mistake haha! Anyways I'm preparing some buffered super coco for my girls they are all showing crazy mag/cal deficiency's hopefully transplanting them with some mycrorizae and good buffered coco will make em...
  13. K

    Coco ph problems!

    1gal but very recently transplanted I might buy some organic soil and make some type of super soil I'll have to look into it before jumping into it I don't wanna fool myself again
  14. K

    Coco ph problems!

    I think transplanting them might save me if I wanna stick to growing organically like Mike said peat or soil I think I can ride this out but maybe have to early Transplant into 5gal?
  15. K

    Coco ph problems!

    lol well I'll go to my traditional soil mixed but as organically as possible I'll just ride this out I guess.. something that would help is transplanting it into a soil mix and rub off coco that's not hot rooted
  16. K

    Coco ph problems!

    Started to look deeply into it and so I'm having an array of issues now that I'm researching, you need to rinse and strain the coco and then buffer it for 8 hours and that's because your removing the dust that sorta traps your air and that's why my coco takes too long to dry up and the buffer to...
  17. K

    Coco ph problems!

    Yeah I also read about the whole rinsing the coco before use, I definitely skipped that part sadly but apart from that I'm using perlite with coco and I put my 4-4-4 dry amendments and worm castings they started to show sexe tho idk why I've been keeping them under 18/6 and the top soil looks...
  18. K

    Coco ph problems!

    That's what I got Soo far I haven't read about giving my coco a rinse before using it soo that's on me but everything's out of wack maybe next time I'll make a super mix instead with promix or something idk I just need advice for now haha
  19. K

    Look at this cheap light

    What we saying is unless you wanna deal with adding supplementary lighting with it just get a good light with proper rating and review and you won't regret it
  20. K

    First time growing on my own, lookin for criticism and advice.

    Ever thought an oscillating fan would give them more rigidity? Not that they are not but eh?