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  1. C

    Nutrients: Should I follow the recommended g/L or EC values?

    Thank you for the reply. The problem is that I changed my nutrients mid flowering. I had some deficiency and the old nutrients were in bad shape (bad quality, shady provider, etc) So I changed to these and I'm trying to give them a good nutrient concentration.
  2. C

    Nutrients: Should I follow the recommended g/L or EC values?

    Thank you for hearing me! I have powder feeding by greenhouse fertilizers which have a chart with the recommended EC and g/L for each product. The G/L don't reach the required EC... Barely half. For week 8 of flowering (oficial chart): Hybrids: 0,5 g/L EC: 0,7 Booster: 0,6 g/L EC: 0,6...
  3. C

    Feeding or light issues?

    Hello everyone! My plants started to show some yellowing and brown spots on their leafs. These are 3 white widow autos from dutch passion. First I thought it was something related to the nutrients I used (they were in bad condition). So I changed to a new and more reliable brand and bought...
  4. C

    Greenhouse powder feeds

    do you only use powder feeding as fertilizers? I just bought some. Do you add any extras like molasses? enzymes, etc?
  5. C

    Greenhouse seeds feeding powder

    do you add anything else besides the powder feeding fertilizers? like molasses in flowering and some enzymes or tricoderma/mycorizae?
  6. C

    Am I feeding my plants right?

    Now that I take a second look they might be small.. But it's my second plantation ever The lights are 240 w of Samsung lm301h (high efficiency) I put a cup next to the plants for reference.
  7. C

    Am I feeding my plants right?

    15L fabric pots. The size looks normal to me. Before i planted some "xxl" autos (psycho xxl pack by BSF) and the were a bit bigger. I also had some problems on my previous plantation. This ones are mostly indica so they dont grow that much. I also had no problems with this plantation (before...
  8. C

    Am I feeding my plants right?

    Yea, my guess would be that the previous fertilizers were not working alright so there is some deficiency. Plant 1 and 2 are much greener than plant 3. You can barely tell by the images tho. But the purple borders in the leafs on plant 3 make me scared. Can that be a toxicity? (Too much of...
  9. C

    Am I feeding my plants right?

    These are 3 white widow autos by dutch passion. They are planted on fabric pots with soil (Mostly peat) mixed with vermiculite (66% bagged soil, 33% vermiculite) I'm feeding mineral fertilizers. (Ph around 6.5) Used to be top crop and changed to powder feeding by greenhouse. With top crop I...
  10. C

    What are these stains and decolorations about?

    Peat moss based soil (klasmann ts3). It's the only plant with these symptoms from a total of 4. Should I give them something extra? More of my basic nutes?
  11. C

    What are these stains and decolorations about?

    Is that something about bad ph?
  12. C

    What are these stains and decolorations about?

    I recently had a plant with clear signs of magnesium deficiency (yellow between the leaf veins (lower leafs) and almost purple stems). So I fed the plants with epson salts. I did it with all of them as a preemtive method. Now this plant (started flowering not long ago) show some signs of...
  13. C

    Leafs going lighter green

    I think it's a magnesium problem. I've read a follow up of a dude using the same nute brand as me and he had that problem. The nutes we use (top crop) doesn't have magnesium. It does have N tho. So I did a foliar and normal feeding of epsom salts. Hopefully that helps. These images are from...
  14. C

    Leafs going lighter green

    Leafs are starting (slowly) to get light green and even yellow in one of my 4 autos. Some leafs in the bottom turned totally yellow and were pulled out. Ph is measured. I use some comercial nutes and use the recommended measurements (going for the lower side) Temp and humidity is ok. I use...
  15. C

    What's going on with this plant?

    I have 4 plants indoor and just this one shows these problems. I give all similar doses of nutes. This one showed problems from the start. (General malformation, 2/3 pointed leafs, strange growth pattern) Today: Some days ago:
  16. C

    discoloring + leaf eaten? + dark green leaf with curling

    this is soil. I've watered on friday and now its quite dry. still a bit humid 1 inch under the soil. Im watering them today. Going to take a photo of the under side of the leafs.
  17. C

    discoloring + leaf eaten? + dark green leaf with curling

    hello my fellow growers! i´ve started noticing some problems in my plants. This is my first grow so expect lots of errors haha. Im here to receive all the criticism possible and learn! image 1: two problems: The leafs show some discoloring. Is this nutrient deficiency? i started giving...
  18. C

    Seedling with strange colors (white marks) + stunned growth

    Klasmann ts3 . Nothing else. Do I need some special type of watering with this?
  19. C

    Seedling with strange colors (white marks) + stunned growth

    I'm using 15L (4 gallon) smart pots. But do you use soil? Maybe it's the combination of overwatering + big pot.