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  1. Bigtuna

    Stubby Stems

    Sometimes my plants grow short and fat and other times they spring up like they're looking at Denise Milani. I'm careful about the position of my lights. How can I keep them short. This is my preference. I'm thinking maybe I should just start flowering sooner. Anyone have any experience...
  2. Bigtuna

    Inglorious Basterds i.e. I hate males

    Just a piece of advice for all newbies. I just finished experimenting with a CFL grow. I was impressed with how successful I was. Out of 4 plants I had 3 females and 1 male. I was so excited that I didn't get rid of the male right away. (I wish I had an explanation for you, I can only...
  3. Bigtuna


    I only water my plants about once every 4 or 5 days. I've found that that's plenty. I used to water once a day, but once I became lazy I found that my plants actually started to grow a lot faster. That's just my experience.
  4. Bigtuna

    New to grow.

    I used Nirvana shop. They mailed it in a manila envelope and they actually put the seeds in a tiny ziplock back inside of a mini fanny pack type thing. If she opens it, she'll probably just see the pouch and cry because her son is such a dork. But you'll know the truth. Or just tell your mom...
  5. Bigtuna

    Somebody help Please

    I had this same problem the first time I grew my own. I freaked out. The truth: don't worry about it. I soon realized that this just happens. I almost always have a few leaves or stems do this. It's hard to see something you love so much experience pain like this I know. I once had a plant...
  6. Bigtuna

    how to get better chance of females??

    Oh, and don't buy feminized seeds. It's actually impossible to guarantee females from just the seeds. This is a rip-off. Most of the time, you probably have to just get lucky actually.
  7. Bigtuna

    how to get better chance of females??

    I used to think this was an urban legend, but I know several people, even here on this site that insist that if you put a banana peel in your jar while you're germinating that you will get females. I've never actually tried it so I can't say for sure. I've heard other things such as using less...
  8. Bigtuna

    How long do CFL's take?

    I'm about a month into growing with my CFL's. I have four plants and 5 120W equivalent lights. 1 over each plant and 1 in the middle. I'm not worried, my plants are definately coming along, but they aren't as big as I expected them to be by now. I'm just curious from people with more...
  9. Bigtuna

    Just a quick question about using tin foil on the walls of my grow room

    I was originally going to use tinfoil for my CFL grow but it turned out to be too much trouble because foil is hard to work with. I just went down to the local Paper Warehouse and they had a bunch of silver mylar sheets. It was 2 bucks for ten 2' x 3' sheets. They were much easier to handle...
  10. Bigtuna

    What seed company can i trust

    In February I bought seeds from Nirvana shop. It took about 2 weeks to get here and it worked out pretty well. I got 10 seeds and they came in this little tiny fanny pack thingy in an envelope. I used my credit card and the charge on my bank statement showed up as a charge from
  11. Bigtuna

    Fav blaze music...

    Silversun Pickups - especially "Lazy Eye"
  12. Bigtuna

    2700K and 6500K?

    I was just reading %MiSTuRBoMbDiGgItty%'s post about what Ed Rosenthal said about using CFLs. So I'm now wondering when I'm flowering if I should throw a 6500K bulb in with my 2700Ks. He says they need the blue light for photosynthesis. Do you guys think this would help?
  13. Bigtuna

    Ed Rosenthal Say's CFL's May be Better than HPS for Micro Growing

    Whenever I read statistics that say that Mari Jane makes people stupid, I get on this forum and you guys blow my mind with the kind of shit you know.
  14. Bigtuna

    CPU Fan Exhaust?

    I want to hook up a cpu fan to a dryer duct and use that to ventilate my indoor tent. I was hoping I could connect the fan to an outlet cord. I experimented with this and my fan started to smoke. In a bad way. I think it might be because my cord is 120V. I was just wondering if there is...
  15. Bigtuna

    1o x 16 room help me design!

    He uses rock wool. I prefer soil though but just because I don't have to worry about watering as much since soil retains water.
  16. Bigtuna

    1o x 16 room help me design!

    Go to youtube and look up Mr Green. It's a guy who just posted a 9 part video on designing a grow room using automated watering that sounds like it might be right up your alley. It's real in depth and really good too.
  17. Bigtuna

    Are nutrients necessary?

    I'm new to the growing thing and a lot of people are talking about adding nutrients. I know nothing about this so I was wondering if I really need to add nutrients, and if so, what nutrients do I need to add and how often.
  18. Bigtuna

    Favorite Foods To Eat While High

    Dude, Cheetos are awesome. But you need to pour a bowl of them so you don't eat the whole bag. I also like barbeque or lindor truffles. Seriously.
  19. Bigtuna

    What are the best beginner CFL seeds?

    I was shopping around on nirvana shop and was having a tough time figuring out what would be a good seed to try for my first CFL grow. Any suggestions?
  20. Bigtuna

    100W vs. 150W

    I would ideally like to use 150W, but in the desire that I would like to use less electricity. Is there much of a difference in product from using a higher concentrated bulb?