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  1. J

    Pot Size vs. Growth and Mild Leaf curling

    Hi everyone just a quick question. Will the size of my potter affect/halt the growth of my plant? Will it stunt the growth of the plant after it a certain point. Right now I have a several week old plant in veg, one is in a big mop bucket with holes cut and is doing great, while the other...
  2. J

    Humidifyer+Soda water?

    sounds like it would work to me, I mean think about it once the water is condensated and turned into a gaseous form the co2 still needs to go somewhere right?
  3. J

    Guns and Growing.

    Not that I am an expert but unless you have an unregistered firearm you shoud be ok however if the authorities can show your primary intent for the firearms were to protect your crop it will def not reflect well.
  4. J

    Trailor Park Boys?

    Own all the seasons, movie, and xmas special LOVE it I actually got to meet them a few weeks ago in Calgary at the Deerfoot Inn and Casino, I tried to find them after their event to smoke a bowl but no such luck but I did meet some other crons that also wanted to smoke up with the TPB's in the...
  5. J

    smell proof stash spot

    Attempting to use a cover smell simply wont work. I recommend a good glass jar set for your buds. Interesting fact though, if you keep your stash in a bag the less time its been in the bag the less chance a dog will pick it up (yes they can and do fail I have had a dog walked around my vehicle...
  6. J

    Nute burn?

    unfortunately not knowing I used soil that has some fertilizer within the mix. What I need to know is if this is nute burn will my plan recovr from it by iself or should do some sort of flush? edit - also i used a super-dilute mix of bloodmeal and pl food (like 1/6 of suggested mix) and...
  7. J

    Nute burn?

    I am concerned about some darkening corners on my leaves is this the dreaded nute burn I hear so much about? Also the inner of on of my plnts is slightly yellow. Both plants are darker towards the outside of the leaves and lighter towards the inside Hopefully the pics are good enough.
  8. J

    My first grow at 2 weeks of sourdiesel/haze mix

    using compact fluroescents? if so I recommend using a bulb that runs at 6500k for the veg state, these are also known and marketed as 'daylights'. I originally had bought 5000k bubls and after seeing the chart I attached I had to go buy 6500's. For flowering using warm white 2700k bulbs, I am...
  9. J

    What is causing this?

    Unfortunately I dont have a camera that will take a detailed enough pic to show. Nutrients included a 1/6 of suggested solution of some 24-8-16 fertilizer and 1/6 bloodmeal temperature floats between 19 and 21 degrees celsius lights are 3 CFL 23w 6500k bulbs currently sitting about 3-4 in...
  10. J

    What is causing this?

    My young sprouts are 6 days old on the leaves it seems the rim/edge of them is going yellow? What causes this?
  11. J

    6 days in the dirt and bendy stems

    I do not know what the humidity is, none of the garden shops i went to had anything to tell me because theyre still trying to liquidate all of their christmas shit and dont have much for gardening atm...stupid
  12. J

    6 days in the dirt and bendy stems

    I will definetely move them closer but again are you sure the alberta winter air wont be too dry for them?
  13. J

    6 days in the dirt and bendy stems

    So I want to bury them up to the leafs next time I understand now, I did not do that before. Can I fix this now, will my outcome not be good from this?
  14. J

    6 days in the dirt and bendy stems

    Here are the pics.
  15. J

    6 days in the dirt and bendy stems

    Hahaha I will take some shortly I have a fan I will start using, I didnt know if now was to soon to use the fan so I didn't, I take it that I am to set it on the low setting?
  16. J

    6 days in the dirt and bendy stems

    I water the plants very lightly thought and as for watering in the soil I use very little from my spray bottle, what is a way to tell my soil is at the desired dampness. edit - also I am from Alberta and its getting the end of our winter season here, the air here is very very dry.
  17. J

    what npk should i use for flowering??????

    Do you know what strain of bud you are growing? Typically unless you're SOGing it what I have been told is that unless you are growing a naturally short strain then about 40 inches or a bit more. How long did you have these plants in a vegatative state (from clones or seeds sprouts)?
  18. J

    6 days in the dirt and bendy stems

    sorry can somebody move this to plant problems my bad.
  19. J

    6 days in the dirt and bendy stems

    My new soldiers are about 6 days in the dirt. After germinating the seeds in water I planted them in small peat bags and after about 4-5 days added the peat bags into my soil mixture. The plants are sitting under 23W CFL 6500k bulbs (3 of them, I havent powered the fourth because it is a...