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  1. Stev11x

    Trichomes question

    I'm getting close to being done seems I have alot of clear and cloudy trichomes but clear then some amber I am wondering if I should start my week of flush see attached pics and sorry they are not the best quality hard to stay still lol By the way I am doing hydroponic bucket system and the...
  2. Stev11x

    Going into week 5 of flower question

    Here are all three
  3. Stev11x

    Going into week 5 of flower question

    I have 2 600w led lights at about 12" from top and three plants. Due to my tent height. I'm as high as I can go
  4. Stev11x

    Going into week 5 of flower question

    Yes I use RO water also when I'm done adding all my nutes im usually in that range you mentioned I start at zero add my calmag and I'm usually around 250 then nutes and then I adjust PH to about 5.6 and my ppm is usually around 670 ish im not sure why it whent up so much this week im still...
  5. Stev11x

    Going into week 5 of flower question

    Thats usually where I'm at but it has gone up since I changed my nutes I do them every Saturday so I'm getting ready to change out now ill get it back down thanks for the info
  6. Stev11x

    Going into week 5 of flower question

    2325cm 1098 ppm
  7. Stev11x

    Going into week 5 of flower question

    Ok I was reading stuff that people was saying it could be a issue and I was like wtf so thats good news thanks man I appreciate it!!
  8. Stev11x

    Going into week 5 of flower question

    I noticed the pistils are starting to turn brown and going in week 5 should I be worried or is this normal this is my first grow im growing afghan big bud and ph is 5.9 in hydroponic buckets. With air stone. I also noticed tips of fan leaves are turning brown all a sudden any help would be...
  9. Stev11x

    Granddaddy purp, think she's hungry...

    Yeah mine whent out of control i trimmed them they got to big and bushy
  10. Stev11x

    Granddaddy purp, think she's hungry...

    Dude we are exactly the same i am day 18 flower mine started flowering in the first week shes a beast
  11. Stev11x

    Granddaddy purp, think she's hungry...

    Nice how the girls doing any new pics
  12. Stev11x

    3 weeks in Flowering question

    Its a hybrid afghan bigbud Feminized
  13. Stev11x

    3 weeks in Flowering question

    I had to go look doesn't look like it in person under regular light but does with camera flash I took a top view is that a bad thing or good lol
  14. Stev11x

    3 weeks in Flowering question

    I ment to post the 3 plant pic
  15. Stev11x

    3 weeks in Flowering question

    Do the terpens make it smell different
  16. Stev11x

    3 weeks in Flowering question

    I am currently in week 3 of flower and noticed the smell has changed from a skunky smell that it had all through veg to like a woody pine type smell thats strong is that normal and do these new bud sites look good just want to make sure nothing is wrong and the sugar leaves are super frosty
  17. Stev11x

    Brown Spots on lower leaves

    Awesome I will definitely do that makes since always learning
  18. Stev11x

    Brown Spots on lower leaves

    He was saying I was bringing my PPM up to high with calmag because general hydroponics also gives cal and mag I was in ppm 1000-1100 and he said dont need that high in DWC
  19. Stev11x

    Brown Spots on lower leaves

    Sounds good I do everything exactly per chart except I cut down the cal mag I did add half what it says to my buckets today and next feeding Sunday i will go back to what I was doing thanks alot for your help