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    Sativa dominant.. Or Indica dominant..? Growing bag seeds

    Ohh.. Okok.. So it at least has a shelf life of 3-4 months then.. That's perfect. I wouldn't add any other minerals.. Was Just wondering if the boiling water would break down any micro nutrients that would of otherwise been in it. That's pretty cool though.. Definitely going to try that.. Maybe...

    Sativa dominant.. Or Indica dominant..? Growing bag seeds

    Ohh.. No way.. I never thought of doing that.. I always use bone meal on my outdoor plants.. But i never thought to add it to boiling water to give it to the indoors.. The boiling water doesn't get rid of any of the minerals..? That's pretty cool.. How long of a shelf life do You find that jar...

    Sativa dominant.. Or Indica dominant..? Growing bag seeds

    Ohh.. Really.. Whats the Neem oil do..? Preventative for pests..? I have yet to see any type of bug (I don't like) in the grow rooms.. I see ladybugs in the house sometimes an put them in with any plants.. Never seem to stick around though. I some what religiously look under all my lower leaves...

    Sativa dominant.. Or Indica dominant..? Growing bag seeds

    Ok.. So can I just increase the "part b" portion of their nutes to make up for the Magnesium..? I don't believe I have the bone coloured veins running down centre of fingers.. I would almost need to see what that looks like to know. An I say Calcium.. Because that's just what i assumed partly...

    Sativa dominant.. Or Indica dominant..? Growing bag seeds

    Thanks Bigchieftokomofo!! That is very true.. They most certainly needed Calcium an Magnesium an were trying to tell me. That is an older picture.. So 5 or 6 days after that picture was taken that plant started showing signs of what i believe was a calcium deficiency.. It had rust coloured spots...

    Sativa dominant.. Or Indica dominant..? Growing bag seeds

    Thanks Beehive!! I do indeed.. I notice the teeth now that You mention it. I have noticed how short an wide the fingers are haha.. That's mostly what had me leaning toward Indica. I never realized the 'Saw Blade' edges had a part to play in identifying if its Indica or Sativa though.. Valuable...

    Sativa dominant.. Or Indica dominant..? Growing bag seeds

    Hey Guys.. New to Roll It Up. Just had a question about what You guys think this strain may be.. by just looking at the leaves.. Ie: Sativa dominant or Indica. Growing from a few beans I found in some medicinal.. An have no clue the strain.. I just kept telling my self it was from an indica...