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  1. B

    Ladybug problems.............

    Ladybugs have been eating the leaves on my plants personally. Only bug in my rubbermaid and my leaves get eaten.
  2. B

    Does Marijuana Cause Cancer?

    Naturally you won't get lung cancer from ingesting it. Thanks for that.
  3. B

    What Is Your Favorite Strain? Why?

    Odd. Green crack is probably the best weed I've smoked and it was available to me alot in the past but no longer is. I'd like to know it's genetics so I could cross myself one.
  4. B

    Does Marijuana Cause Cancer?

    And something wrong with that one guy's study he thinks is special is that it says 22,000 joints. At a pack a day you'd reach 22,000 cigarettes in THREE years. That study is totally and utterly worthless, cause personally I don't know anyone that got lung cancer after smoking cigarettes for 3 years.
  5. B

    WOW, new study out and Marijuana doesn't lead to lung Cancer

    Agreed. And the main thing wrong with this specific study is that 22,000 joint theory. That's not comparable to cigarettes. I've smoked more cigarettes than 22,000 in my lifetime and I'm only 19 and smoke a pack or less a day.
  6. B

    WOW, new study out and Marijuana doesn't lead to lung Cancer

    You know scientific studies will never prove shit because the person running the study is not just doing it so that people will have more info, it's because they're biased and are wanting to prove their opinion. Marijuana hasn't been "proven" to cause cancer but neither has cigarettes, yet we...
  7. B

    Does Marijuana Cause Cancer?

    Oh yeah, I smoke both heavily so I mean, who cares?
  8. B

    Does Marijuana Cause Cancer?

    You know scientific studies will never prove shit because the person running the study is not just doing it so that people will have more info, it's because they're biased and are wanting to prove their opinion. Marijuana hasn't been "proven" to cause cancer but neither has cigarettes, yet we...