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  1. A

    what kind of light system did you use to grow that? Nice job man! Also where could I go to...

    what kind of light system did you use to grow that? Nice job man! Also where could I go to purchase said light system? Thanks in advance. Peace and happy trails
  2. A

    where did you order your 105 cfl's? Thanks.

    where did you order your 105 cfl's? Thanks.
  3. A

    hey what is your grow cycle with the cfls? Like how long do you veg for and then how long do...

    hey what is your grow cycle with the cfls? Like how long do you veg for and then how long do you bloom for? Thanks
  4. A

    Hey, I was just wondering why kinda of reflector wall pappering you have, where you got it, and...

    Hey, I was just wondering why kinda of reflector wall pappering you have, where you got it, and how much it costs? I was also wondering how many lights do you having running in your grow room? Thanks