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  1. smokinsmooth

    obama drug czar

    lets hope it goes through! as for wtf am i talking about. DECRIMINALIZATION!!!!!! can you dig that:bigjoint:
  2. smokinsmooth

    obama drug czar

    anyone been following the the elec of the new us drug czar. I know that hes from seattle or somewhere in whasington state. is this good as wash is pretty much smack in the middle of cali and canada where mj is becoming more and more legit and less of a criminal act to participate in. any...
  3. smokinsmooth

    cfl grow

    Wow cool quick response. thx. They are all northern lights. got the seeds from a pretty good source of mine who always has the baddest dank around. Even he told me it was some really good stuff and i trust his word as hes also a grower. I have had to go stealth as a result of a aquaintance of...
  4. smokinsmooth

    cfl sog dutch

    just wondering if anyone has had good sucess with the sog or dutch method under cfls? and if so how much space and lights are needed for say 8 plants? :bigjoint:
  5. smokinsmooth

    *((DrBud Style Micro CFL SOG))*

    what size of pot do you use since its going into flower from day 1? no transplanting would be a plus.
  6. smokinsmooth

    cfl grow

    I am wondering if there are any experienced cfl growers who can help me. Ive got 4 plants at 42 days flowering. Im running 8 40 watt cfls in a mylar wrapped cab set up. ive got a 50 cfm exhaust which vents out my chimney stack. Super stealth set up. Ok heres the thing my plants are budding ok...
  7. smokinsmooth

    question? in a sog scrog grow do you need to prune lower branches and fan leaves?

    question? in a sog scrog grow do you need to prune lower branches and fan leaves?
  8. smokinsmooth

    how much cfls are 2 much?

    how much cfls are 2 much?