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  1. Jay tiff

    Week 5 flower

    Gavita 750’s
  2. Jay tiff

    Week 5 flower

    Also my potion I’ve been making is.... Sensi coco bloom Bud candy Ton O bud Cal/mag Bit of Epsom salts Drip clean any advise ?
  3. Jay tiff

    Week 5 flower

    it’s a low basement with a 7 foot ceiling, the tops are 18-24 inches away from lights.
  4. Jay tiff

    Week 5 flower

    I’m using the amounts suggested on the bottles, is that a good dosage?
  5. Jay tiff

    Week 5 flower

    I’ll see what my local store has for me tomorrow
  6. Jay tiff

    Week 5 flower

    I’m using bud candy and ton o bud , is that enough of a bloom booster?
  7. Jay tiff

    Week 5 flower

    This is my first grow, what’s a good potassium additive?
  8. Jay tiff

    Week 5 flower

    Wondering if anyone has any mid flower tips, I’m in week 5 and hoping for bigger buds
  9. Jay tiff

    Winnipeg, MB. New grower

    Thank you, I was off on my veg time and let the ladies grow a little to big for my room, but I’m doing my best to make it work. Next garden will be much shorter.
  10. Jay tiff

    Winnipeg, MB. New grower

    About 5 weeks into my first flower , looking for any and all opinions Thanks