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  1. JOO©E

    Led Temps - Air vs Leaf Surface

    Wavelengths greater than 780nm haven't demonstrated photosynthetic activity, though wavelengths greater than 780nm can increase rates of photosynthesis by increasing temp. TBH I really can't think of a reason to irradiate the canopy. Maybe if you have to add heat, ie you can't just reduce...
  2. JOO©E

    Led Temps - Air vs Leaf Surface

    Actually, it's probably not so much that the plants are reducing in temp as it is the air is increasing in temp, and perhaps evaporation is playing a role? It certainly has me curious :bigjoint:
  3. JOO©E

    Led Temps - Air vs Leaf Surface

    Interesting for sure. Yes, VPD is lower with a -CTD(LED) compared to a +CTD(HID). Though, you are still increasing VPD when you increase LST and air temp? Perhaps VPD is not such a big deal, looking at the HPS thermal posted from the link above, you'd need over 100% RH to begin to enter...
  4. JOO©E

    LED and driver setup, will it work?

    Hell ya! Good work
  5. JOO©E

    Led Temps - Air vs Leaf Surface

    Increasing air temp increases VPD when RH & CTD (canopy temperature depression) are maintained, but RH actually decreases as ambient rises, which further exacerbates the increase in VPD. When people are increasing ambient to offset low LST, they are most likely increasing the VPD. Is the...
  6. JOO©E

    Huge LED diode

    Haha ya I thought they made like a 5in × 5in 1000W or 2000W COB for street lights and such, but can't find it, so who knows maybe I was dreaming lol Attached is a 600W COB by citizen, it's only about 1.5in × 1.5in, so probably similar in dimensions to what you have there, although I have no...
  7. JOO©E

    Huge LED diode

    Haha yep, just a big ass COB! Was always curious how the LED street lights were being designed, guess it's just 1 big ass COB, ha, looks like 5700K (?), probably 70CRI. Someone on here might know exact chip model. I think citi makes a big ol whopper.. edit - the driver shows it can't be more...
  8. JOO©E

    Excessive Heat Issue In Grow Tent

    Absolutely, there will be variance depending on genotype. They selected sativa to test, but indica may respond slightly differently. My main point was that all the genotypes evolved outdoors where 29C or 84F is a common occurrence.
  9. JOO©E

    Excessive Heat Issue In Grow Tent

    The only way to remove heat is to pump it out. You can transfer it into a substance and pump the substance out (AC, kinda), but its all the same, there isn't a meaningful way to convert or transform the heat into other useful forms of energy, so we're down to pumping it out. What I'm getting...
  10. JOO©E

    Excessive Heat Issue In Grow Tent

    Columbia, Jamaica, Mexico, Africa, ect all get hot and the plants thrive. 27-29°C (80-84°F) is about optimal imo. 750 - 850PPFD : 28/29C Photosynthetic action @ 775PPFD & 1,000PPFD (if you use UVB; dots) Photosynthetic action @ 775PPFD & 1,000PPFD (if you don't use UVB; circles) According...
  11. JOO©E

    Want to try hydroponics, need some guidance.

    Ya, something like what @ÒÒlegilizeitÒÒ posted will be more of what you want.
  12. JOO©E

    Want to try hydroponics, need some guidance.

    Na that's not what you want. Too crowded. By the time the plants get to bloom they'll be drowning each other out. You need at least 0.37m2 of area per plant. As far as your net pot size, its not such a big deal, its job is only to suspend and hold the plant upright, holds all the weight, while...
  13. JOO©E

    UV-B/C LED's

    Here they grew plants in a greenhouse, utilizing the suns full spectrum (minus any shortwave UV that the greenhouse glass blocks). They then added UVB by hanging fs40 lamps (with cellulose acetate filters attached; allow UVB through, block UVA+) above the target specimens. They turned on the UVB...
  14. JOO©E

    UV-B/C LED's

    Looks like a decent chip. All UVB led are piss poor efficiency which correlates to higher operating temps (per watt input), and reduced longevity compared to visible spectrum LEDs.
  15. JOO©E

    ¿Ready or Not ready? Judge the Youtubers.

    Several times have I seen plants go too long because a guru told him to bloom for 4mo plus. There are those that are eager to harvest and pluck too early, but its all preference past a certain point. The weight increase isn't enough to warrant the time nor the deteriorated high (imo) but some...
  16. JOO©E

    120v to 240v cords

    Dammit! Haha ya posted wrong pic. Ya definitely could swap the outlets for 5-15/20R. @2com Label well if you swap the receptacle. Make sure new people are aware ect so that obliviousness/ignorance doesn't create an issue. The conductors will carry less RMS current, but the devices may or may...
  17. JOO©E

    120v to 240v cords

    Not sure 5-15P can fit into a 6-15/20R I think you're down to cutting the plug and swapping it out.
  18. JOO©E

    Plant taking less water, close to harvest.

    This is normal, she's telling you she's calling it quits. This happens with all strains. Drinking slows as they mature and die. If you're going to flush then I'd start. Check trichome colors, if they are amber then the plant is/has been ready to chop. Clear trichs = young trich Cloudy trich =...
  19. JOO©E

    ¿Ready or Not ready? Judge the Youtubers.

    Ya I think we'll just have to disagree. Buds bulk up generally around week 5-7. Calaxyes will swell a bit more after this and then after that's happened, (usually takes a cpl more weeks), the buds won't pack any more significant weight on aside from foxtailing ect. At that point you're either...
  20. JOO©E

    ¿Ready or Not ready? Judge the Youtubers.

    Ya probably talking a bit passed each other here. Buds will droop from weight, but also because stems are weakening as they grow older. Past 8wks you're really not guna put on much weight. There are exceptions, but most strains get to ~75-100% of their final weight after ~2months in bloom. Once...