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  1. holdthatshitin

    lowryder #2 ???

    wow that sucks. that kinda beats the whole point of auto flowering if you had to change to 12/12
  2. holdthatshitin

    lowryder #2 ???

    i have 5 lowryder #2 starting to grow and i was just had a question about the lighting times.i heard 20 on and 4 off is the best way for these babys.i have them on full 24 hours of light right now. should i change that right now . or wait till they have signs of flowering
  3. holdthatshitin

    when to put in jars?

    so it started getting crunchy so i put it in jars. and over night it got wetter then it was when it was growing haha im gunna open the lid for a few hours will that help
  4. holdthatshitin

    I Need Art!

    do you have any work i can look at?
  5. holdthatshitin

    I Need Art!

    thank you thats some good shit. just not what we are looking for on a cd.
  6. holdthatshitin

    I Need Art!

    here is a sample or what we are looking for. this is a pic we allmost had but got sold before we could get it.
  7. holdthatshitin

    I Need Art!

    thanks so much guys let me talk to the rest of my band and ill let you know. does your buddy rvolt have any work i can see the link you gave me didnt really have much to look at.
  8. holdthatshitin

    when to put in jars?

    do the stems need to break not bend befor they go in?
  9. holdthatshitin

    when to put in jars?

    i have been drying for 3 days. i was just wondering when is a good time to take down and put in jars to cure. like when crispy when still kinda wet or right in the middle of the too. thanks guys
  10. holdthatshitin

    just wondering?

    what they dont all change? i had no clue. i have had those percents for a week or more waiting for more to change and all this time i have been ready...
  11. holdthatshitin

    just wondering?

    i have been flowering for 8 weeks most all the hairs are red orange or brown. the tichs are 10%clear70%cloudy20%amber. my question is how fast can it take for all the tichs to turn amber can it be like 2 3 days or another 2 weeks.i know im safe to cut any day now but i want that (wow im stoned...
  12. holdthatshitin

    I Need Art!

    hey guys whats up. im in a band called allusive and we just got done recording are new cd. we are looking for cover art.and any other art we can find for the cd.if anyone has any art that would be good for a rock bands cd.please let me know.
  13. holdthatshitin

    good shit

    my band has new music up. let me know what you think
  14. holdthatshitin

    How much longer do u guys think

    i kinda feel dumber after reading this whole thread
  15. holdthatshitin


    weed weed weed i love weed woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowhoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  16. holdthatshitin

    Concerned about Harvesting! HELP

    im guessing he stole it and now he needs somewhere to dry it
  17. holdthatshitin

    dont leave me bad shit you no good shit talking fag fuck.only niggs smoke blunts u useless...

    dont leave me bad shit you no good shit talking fag fuck.only niggs smoke blunts u useless bread go find your dad.
  18. holdthatshitin

    fuck fuck fuck women

    i am so so so sorry man. at least you did the right thing. i would have stabed her in the neck hahaha that was a joke
  19. holdthatshitin

    damn daylight savings!!!

    good to know
  20. holdthatshitin

    damn daylight savings!!!

    so my timers came one hour early and i lost 1 hour of dark on 12/12. will this hurt anything at all???