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  1. J

    Champagne + purple, medical, 1st grow

    was at the local hydro store today... guy there told me that they put chloramines in our water, so the 24 hr bubbler trick doesnt work for us to just buy the drops...
  2. J

    are these spider mites?? cant tell (PICS)

    i have little tiny holes and yellow spots on my leaves. taking a closer look i found a bunch of tiny little whitish things under the fan leaves. there is also some kinda winged bug next to em in 1 of these shots. i looked at all the sticky's on here and a couple other sites but i cant tell these...
  3. J

    had to transplant outdoor!!! advice,comments??!!!

    i mean salty like, theres a shoreline 3 hundred feet away from it.... well i got a little update today... both of the White Widow plants have female preflowers (feminised seeds). im just hoping for no hermies due to the stress of having their light cycle reversed when i moved em outdoors. no...
  4. J

    had to transplant outdoor!!! advice,comments??!!!

    yea, they were tite little balls until i put them outside-2 days and the quadrupled their height- swear to god... you are mentioning mulch and knocking back the vegetation-you mean do this after i transplant?? wont the "salty" conditions be very bad??? i was thinking of just leaving em in their...
  5. J

    had to transplant outdoor!!! advice,comments??!!!

    so heres a few pics from the site... i gave em 3/4 strength nutes 2 days ago-the "praying for mj" leaves were already there b4 i fed, but i got a little yellowing and some down pointed tips after i fed. i thought these girls could take some nutes-theyve been on 1/4 strength since they 1 week...
  6. J

    had to transplant outdoor!!! advice,comments??!!!

    appreciate all your advice guys. when i transplant into ground, should i put more promix into the hole? cuz the ground is mostly sand where i am at-near mangroves and the seashore. i have them in their 3gal pots with promix sitting on some low foiliage right now...
  7. J

    had to transplant outdoor!!! advice,comments??!!!

    70-85 during the day, 58 at night....colds fronts come through every couple weeks or so, never below 40
  8. J

    had to transplant outdoor!!! advice,comments??!!!

    gotta question for any experienced growers out there. i started a small grow indoors, due to security concerns i was forced to remove my plants (4 G13 Power Skunk, and 2 Seedsman White Widow). the widow had been on 12/12 for about a week, and the PS was still on its 3rd week of veg... so now...
  9. J


    Instead the Democrats are focusing on a non-problem that probably benefits the environment by encouraging more plant growth, and thus is sustainable. Then there is the fact that Gore's vaunted "Consensus" of "Scientists" was anything but. you talk about FACTS and absolutes, i wish to see the...
  10. J

    The reason they're called assholes!

    ya, they kill babies
  11. J

    The reason they're called assholes!

    is there actually any 1 on this site who supports republicans?? how idiotic is that??? is there 1 GOP representative who is actually for medical marijuana? let alone decrim? at least Obama is for decrim and ananymous cabinet member said that he will push for it if he gets a 2nd term. even if i...
  12. J

    Little Bangs and Mangs

    i dont know why you guys are helping this f*k stik, he comes onto my post and makes idiot jerk remarks to me and i never even seen or heard of him before. dude is a douche.... hope your plant dies and the cops kick in your door, seize the crispy remains, and bubba takes your ass virginity...
  13. J

    Little Bangs and Mangs

    wow, wut were u jealous that i actually got responses?? eat a dikka
  14. J

    after viewing 100 pics, cant figure this leaf curl-plz help

    thanx for ur helppful info:clap:
  15. J

    after viewing 100 pics, cant figure this leaf curl-plz help

    one of my plants seems to be drooping more, the other one is still the same.. im having trouble keeping my temps below 85. heres some more info and a fresh pic. seems like the tip of the one of the very bottom leaves is starting to yellow ? HYDROPONICS/Aero Ponics/Coco/Soiless/ How long...
  16. J

    after viewing 100 pics, cant figure this leaf curl-plz help

    i have 8 x 23w cfls.... thnx for all ur help guys. i will bakoff the nutes and raise the lights a bit.
  17. J

    after viewing 100 pics, cant figure this leaf curl-plz help

    temps never really get above 83, 40-60% humidity.... HYDROPONICS/Aero Ponics/Coco/Soiless/ How long has this problem been going on? 5 DAYS I THINK Are you growing in a PVC grow tent? NO What system are you running? (DWC? Ebb flow? Aero? Water Farm? Flood Tables? and so on...) PROMIX, HAND...
  18. J

    1st grow, super stealth cabs x2, Seedsman W.W. & G13 Power Skunk

    the "girls" are now 12 days old, i have been having a problem for the past few days. ive read all the faqs, all the stickys, looked at all the pics.... i havent seen this anywhere. leaves are curling up at the edges-lengthwise. color seems to be ok, fairly uniform green. i water about every 2-3...
  19. J

    after viewing 100 pics, cant figure this leaf curl-plz help

    ive read all the faqs, all the stickys, looked at all the pics.... i havent seen this anywhere. leaves are curling up at the edges-lengthwise. color seems to be ok, fairly uniform green. they are 12 days old, i water about every 2-3 days, when 2 knuckles deep is dry. been on 1/4 strength nutes...