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  1. S

    White powdery mildew

    I appreciate all of you gentlemen,thank you!
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    White powdery mildew

    This is a top view of everything.
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    White powdery mildew

    These are the best I could get
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    White powdery mildew

    Let me see if I can grab a few pics for you
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    White powdery mildew

    Ok gents, I'm in week 5 of flower with 2 different strains. They have pretty much been on cruise control up until this point. I'm feeding down to earth nutes,running in a 4x8 tent,led lighting. Temps are 78-81 during the day,73-77 at night. I started flower at 45% humidity,now I'm at 40%. I have...
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    Questions before flowering

    Tyvm as well! I appreciate you gentlmen
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    Questions before flowering

    Tyvm for the reply sir!
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    Questions before flowering

    What's up peeps, I got a few questions that I hope y'all can answer. I am growing in a 3x3 vivosun tent. 1. What temp and humidity should I keep throughout flower? a 4inch exhaust fan good enough,or should I go to 6inch (I have one available) 3.should I reposition my fans. The two at the...
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    How often should i water/feed?

    Well thank you sir
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    How often should i water/feed?

    Ok gents, i was recommended to use ffof and worm castings for my seedlings (autoflowers) and they are doing great! My next question is, outside of the recommended veg nutes, should i add anything else. These are my available ootions.....
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    How often should i water/feed?

    Thank you for the speedy reply. My 4-4-4 just says vegetable garden. The down to earth 4-6-2 is their all purpose mix. Should i buy some of the all purpose? Its not expensive and i have a hydro shop like 2 mins away.
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    How often should i water/feed?

    I'm germinating in the 5 gallon pots, not transplanting, should i start them in smaller pots? Here is a pic of my available amendments
  13. S

    How often should i water/feed?

    First and foremost, thank you for the welcome and reply, appreciate it. If you don't mind, how much per 5 gallon pot should i be using? (Seedling,veg,flower) and how should i use my amendments per stage. Thank you in advance.
  14. S

    How often should i water/feed?

    What's good gents? I'm new to this whole grow thing so i need you experienced growers help. I would like someone to help me with a feeding schedule. I'm running 5 gallon fabric pots, all autoflowers. I'm using ph'd tap water, down to earth dry amendments. I have a variety of different soils.