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  1. F

    Finish The Sentence Thread

  2. F

    Finish The Sentence Thread

    Gave him a......
  3. F


    Ty. When i went out there to look at them after it rained it was perfectly fine. There not sprouted yet but it the soil wasent flooded or nothing.:mrgreen:
  4. F


    TY very much
  5. F

    Question 5/3/07

    alright sweet
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    Question 5/3/07

    I was wandering i kno some ppl who have been tokin 4 a while now. 1 of them drives normal while high and acts normal. Are they still gettin really high and they just kno how to act normal when there high.
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    K ty. I wanna start them now.:mrgreen: I think ill make a clear cover out of plastic and put it on 4 steaks then stretch it over them so i they wont get rained out. And i dont think its gonna frost anymore. :)
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    Ok here in (state i shall not mention), we have been gettin alot of water latly. LIke i mean heavy downpoors with lighting, wind, ect... I just planted today and i let the rain water my "babies". Tommorow is supposed to be severe weather again. but clear for 3 days then more rain. Should i cover...
  9. F

    Need help. (growing with parents around)

    Dude those pics r of plants that i thought was wild weed, obvisouly i was wrong. The one i planted last week never came up. Im just gonna wait till im older becasue i have to go to visit family this summer. And i wont be able to water.
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    Need help. (growing with parents around)

    :cry: It smelled like it. Idk tho mabye its some weird ass strain. or just a werid look alike.
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    Need help. (growing with parents around)

    Heres the pics This one im not so sure about.
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    Need help. (growing with parents around)

    DUDE U WONT BELIVE IT i was looking for another spot and i saw some plants with jagged edges and look kinda like marijuana so i put my nose in it and smelled it and IT WAS. AND THERES TONS OF IT, ALL WILD AND PERFECTLY HEALTHY YAAAAAAYYY. Idk if it is very potent or not, but man i cant wait...
  13. F

    Need help. (growing with parents around)

    Its supposed to rain friday, ill drop to 60 degrees on saturday then back up to 70 on sunday. Should i let it grow a little and clone it to a better spot?
  14. F

    Need help. (growing with parents around)

    K i planted some seeds from a bag of hydro. I planted them outside 50-100ft from our shed in a wooded area. is there any homemade device that waters, so i dont have to go out there every 2 or 3 days. I can go out there almost every weekend. Its also kind of close to the shed and ppl r always...