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  1. R

    Got some issues, seems like 2-3 different things...Please help

    Thanks curious...yes I usually trim up a few inches from soil did something a bit different this time (not sure if I'll like it or not yield- wise). Indeed too many leaves are too close to soil and I am NOT liking THAT. So I guess I'll just feed with water and hope to free everything up for a...
  2. R

    Got some issues, seems like 2-3 different things...Please help

    I like the beds pretty well, it beats hauling pots around and its nice to have the extra room for roots, watering is easy with auto system or by hand if need be. Biggest maybe only drawback I've sort of experienced is dealing with plant/soil issues as you need to basically treat the whole bed...
  3. R

    Got some issues, seems like 2-3 different things...Please help

    Heard, I kinda thought you were being sarcastic seeing the time you posted and what others were saying about my mistaken post. I put only 1/4 the recommended amount of Cal Mag when I watered yesterday, no other nutrients added. The overfeeding would go along with the leaves being somewhat...
  4. R

    Got some issues, seems like 2-3 different things...Please help

    Very fair point with everything else in there it is probably quite unnecessary.
  5. R

    Got some issues, seems like 2-3 different things...Please help

    Sorry with post mixup... yeah my main concern is the yellowing edges and the dying leaves...the stems and leaves DO seem a bit fragile, break off too easy.
  6. R

    Got some issues, seems like 2-3 different things...Please help

    Appreciate info. Is that the yellowing on outside edges AND the 3 leaves that have the browning/yellowing, dying going on?
  7. R

    Got some issues, seems like 2-3 different things...Please help

    Sorry all...I ended up posting it would seem without full content. I'd gotten pulled away by my son who needed a ride and I did not realize my draft got posted. I DID CAL MAG all beds yesterday in a pretty good watering.
  8. R

    Got some issues, seems like 2-3 different things...Please help

    So I grow indoors in 6- 4'x5' beds, 6000watts of HPS lights in soil. 77-80 degrees 60% Humidity lights out, 87-91ish 40-50% lights on. Dynagrow nutes with some amendments in soil (bat guano, seabird guano, bloodmeal, bonemeal, epsom salts worm castings, dolomite )and a 20-20-20 boost 1st half...
  9. R

    fungus gnats/neem oil

    Not sure about your bugs or any damage they may be doing but by the looks of your plants you've got nothing to worry about ...they look great!! From what I understand gnats don't really do much damage to your plants...unless it gets way out of hand and the larvae starts to play hell in your soil.
  10. R

    fungus gnats/neem oil

    sorry for late reply. BTE did not work very well for me at all from what I could tell. Would be curious to know how it is working for you? I went to the big guns this round when I noticed that I was getting them again (they came in on plants I got from my friend). Used azamax and it seems to...
  11. R

    Not another Temperature/humidity question

    Curious as to what lighting YOU are using? So my 90's seem to occur at only one or two of the canopies directly under lights, room temp seems to maintain around 80. I have what I would think is great air-flow...3- 18" wall fans and 2-16" standing fans at each end of room all oscillating of...
  12. R

    Not another Temperature/humidity question

    Yes another one. I have done extensive research on this subject and am slightly confused and was hoping there were some people who could kind of set some info straight. And potentially save me a bit or work. Ok first off I am running 5000 w of HPS lights (2 dimlux 3 old school xxxl's) in a...
  13. R

    Heat/light stress or something more

    No doubt I AM going to ease back almost completely on the nutes.
  14. R

    Heat/light stress or something more

    This is the water growth.....
  15. R

    Growth in water WTF???

    drum is black but there is a 5" diameter hole which certainly lets in some light I'm sure from the room. I do have an airstone in there regularly. So what do you think it is? Just rapid bacteria growth? I mean it went from zero to 100 to 100000 so to speak in a day or two. I understand...
  16. R

    Heat/light stress or something more

    Well I had my lights a bit close 18" no glass no cooling of hoods. I have been battling a fungus gnat issue for 3-4 freaking weeks as described above. This is from my other thread on things growing in my water can. Perhaps NOTE : I HAVE watered with the mysterious growth water and...
  17. R

    Heat/light stress or something more

    ok here's some nighttime photos. I tend to agree with your assessment of nute burn. Although strange as I'd actually thought that I diluted my mix the last 3-4 waterings.
  18. R

    Growth in water WTF???
  19. R

    Heat/light stress or something more

    So this has really started to go downhill in the last few days in my eyes, getting worried now. Leaves seem to be pretty consistently crispy on edges, yellowing browning tips and then they crumble away. Even ones NOT right under lights. They were nice and green 2-3 weeks ago with no browning...
  20. R

    Growth in water WTF???

    Agreed it looks like that but up close it is more a bacteria like growth there are even like more white mold looking pieces as well in there. Not impossible that some soil got into the pvc lines but very unlikely and again not impossible it made its way back through the pvc array, the 25ft hose...