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  1. C

    Longest You've Gone Without An Orgasm

    from midnight, jan 1st to january 3rd... take a guess.
  2. C

    Too Big

    And won't there by more growth?? Horizontal once its bent over, if you know what I mean? or will it all still be vertical when its bent?
  3. C

    Too Big

    Well, I'm starting to lean more towards the Dr. Node stuff now. I don't think bending these will be a nice experience...
  4. C

    Are these mites? (video)

    I couldn't find them on any leaves, but there are many around the side of the pot. In person, you can hardly see the damn things let alone any spots on them. YouTube - Funny weird things
  5. C

    Week 5.5 flowering update.

    Do you have other silver haze plants that dont grow like that?
  6. C

    Whats this?

    killed. just can't risk the unknown mold.
  7. C

    Week 5.5 flowering update.

    I want to have Elisa's babies. .....what strain is that? or why is it growing like that?
  8. C

    Too Big

    thanks laskabud! +REP!
  9. C

    Too Big

    If plants are taking up half of the possible height in which they can grow when they are put into flower, would it be best to cut clones from them now and not chancing if they can make it?
  10. C

    Whats this?

    No, the mold is on the soil.
  11. C

    Whats this?

    Its pretty tough to see, but its a white mold growing on just one plant. Does anyone know what it is or how to salvage the plant?
  12. C

    veg/flower question

    What is the latest time in the flowering stage that you can take clones, and revert back to veg?
  13. C

    How Much

    LOL, I want to see pictures when that thing is done.. If you use digital ballasts you could probably get away with one more than otherwise, whatever that number may be (4?)
  14. C

    the race to 5

    Had a great time, as follows: large, med, small, med, small, large. finished by 6 though :(
  15. C

    Vote for your music

    all of the above. im an audiowhore wewwwwwwww
  16. C

    the race to 5

    I'm all set... wish I never tried to "filter" my first few. Anyone else have goals for tonight?
  17. C

    Vote for your music

    does anyone know of any good music streams or mp3 dumps for our sacred day of 420?
  18. C

    I found a bug!

    Well I'm so glad I asked then, because I was worried it was one. I killed it on sight, and so far its the only one I've seen. What a scare though!
  19. C

    I found a bug!

    I saw what I think may be a spider mite in my garden. It was entirely yellow/white, elongated, and about the size of my thumbnail. Could it be? If so, I'm going to Avid the shit out of the place.
  20. C


    No, he didn't mention if it was too high or too low, my guess is with a mist in the air it is too high. In either case, its far easier to extract humidity with a machine and introduce it otherwise (like spraying ^) than it would be to introduce it with a machine and extract it otherwise.