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  1. T

    Should I remove one of my lights?

    Yeah it’s basil I like it in my omelettes and it’s supposedly a good companion plant .
  2. T

    Should I remove one of my lights?

    the last sentence was so true
  3. T

    Should I remove one of my lights?

    So your saying the working 1000w isn’t worth the 100w it’s putting off? Isn’t that a potential 50-100g extra yield?
  4. T

    Should I remove one of my lights?

    Can anybody confirm the 1-4oz statement?
  5. T

    Should I remove one of my lights?

    Bunch of great advice one last question if you don’t mind, what’s the yield thing is it per sq meter or per plant say I’ve got roughly 500w total will each plant produce about a lb or since it’s about a meter area will it only be one? And I understand the whole one gram per watt is for pros but...
  6. T

    Should I remove one of my lights?

    My thoughts precisely
  7. T

    Should I remove one of my lights?

    Okay. Do you think the light on the far left is even hitting the plants?
  8. T

    Should I remove one of my lights?

    My setup is one GSC fem and one auto GG side by side in a closet style grow. I’ve got a mini fan but it still gets a bit hot. My lights include a 2000w blurple (actual 390w), a 1000w blurple (actual probably 100w if lucky), and another 1000w blurple the same one but the bloom switch is broke so...
  9. T

    Plz help

  10. T

    Plz help

    What type of light setups then vs now? What knowledge on lights and watts changed?
  11. T

    Plz help

    What was your first grow like if you don’t mind me asking? What’s some stuff you wish you knew going in? That goes for anyone else too if you guys feel like sharing I know it’s early still. Just trying to soak up as much info as possible anything would be appreciated.
  12. T

    Plz help

    Even indoor? Wot m8
  13. T

    Plz help

    I’ll definitely take this advice much appreciated.
  14. T

    Plz help

    It’s honestly a great temp in the room it’s room temp and if anything it would be on the colder side but not chili just leaning
  15. T

    Plz help

    Thanks big dog for the words or encouragement
  16. T

    Plz help

    That’s fair. I haven’t used any fertilizer and I’m afraid to “flush” or try to fertilize now while they are so fragile. Medium in the “white vein” pic would be “timberline top soil”and the medium for the “erosion” pic is miracle gro organic and natural potting mix White vein pic is GSC fem while...
  17. T

    Plz help

    Hey guys. First of all I wanna say I don’t know if these are problems to worry about me not. So in my second week and everything was going great until a few days ago. Variables I know of are the bloom side of my light burnt out completely so I’m running half of what I was for the starting week...
  18. T

    Plz help me

    And btw I would like your comment but I’m not sure how I just started. I was trying to for a few minutes lol
  19. T

    Plz help me

    thanks a lot for your input Can anybody confirm?