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  1. weedsmoke1221

    Price of Bud if Legal

    the main point is, that its not socially accepted by the "class" that runs the country - the congress men and senators get most of their votes from devoted organisations such as church and non profit groups... the openly gay san fran congress men was introducing an addition to a bill to tax the...
  2. weedsmoke1221

    Will Ozone degrade the bud while curing?

    the ozone oxidising your high - meaning less of a high with ozone
  3. weedsmoke1221

    My Girls Need Your Help! They Look Ill!

    I agree with canefane - it was prolly the insecticide that did it - insufficient lighting will only slow and reduce growth, and should not cause stress to the plant, which is what your baby looks like - stressed in the future set a watering schedule more spaced out (you will need to water in...
  4. weedsmoke1221


    root mass can be repaired, if the plant was root bound tearing a few roots off may help... I go through this with clones that I wick water initially - just make sure not more 1/4 of the roots are damaged and you should be fine. when transplanting I usually build up the nutes before the repot...
  5. weedsmoke1221

    my plant smells shit?

    funny every time I drive by a dead skunk my mind has associated it with good weed...
  6. weedsmoke1221

    Time For Some 09 Pics Of The Garden

    you must have a problem with pot heads on your property with that chicken fences and all - lol lookin good
  7. weedsmoke1221

    Negative Ion Generator

    dang it - leave me alone I'm new :joint: haha well I don't smell here all that much at all, maybe its the strain, just one plant... I recall my first event years back did smell quite alot
  8. weedsmoke1221

    how to get away with growing( but everybody breaks rule 1)

    my apologies, but it was true - I figured it was good enough content to at least bump though - my moto is if your post doesn't offend someone then your shouldn't even post it haha jk :peace:
  9. weedsmoke1221

    Negative Ion Generator

    wrong again, iam - I stoped even using mine because my portable a/c seemed to be handling the smell fairly well - good thing i did
  10. weedsmoke1221

    PICS!!!HELP! dark brown leave PICS!!!

    I think bat guano is only high in nitrogen, but I'm not sure... IMO if you spend all the time to wait for the product why not make sure it is quality? I've heard nothing but good things about the alaskan fish ferts - I'd go that route if I couldn't get others -
  11. weedsmoke1221

    PICS!!!HELP! dark brown leave PICS!!!

    sweet my first correction - you pretty much described my first time to the tee.. I use biocanna products now, and the bio flores I'm using for flower tell you NOT to adjust the PH be it is naturally adjusted by the organic compounds... so I retract my previous stoned statements and replace them...
  12. weedsmoke1221

    Negative Ion Generator

    go on ebay and search for ozone machine, it creates O3 ion that basically does to air what H2O2 does to water - it oxidises anything in its path - so too much can be a bad thing, but from my experience the reasonably priced ozone generators do not produce enough to be harmful - this will vary on...
  13. weedsmoke1221

    veiwing trichroms without damaging them?

    nice, say your down south what do you do about the heat... most efficiently...
  14. weedsmoke1221

    PICS!!!HELP! dark brown leave PICS!!!

    there is a reason why people make and by qualty nutes.... MC grow is good for perennials but just because the plant can and will uptake the nutes it doesn't mean it good for it... IMO aviod miracle grow at all costs.... in my experiences with it, which are similar to yours, they turned hermi...
  15. weedsmoke1221

    veiwing trichroms without damaging them?

    bumpity>? bump bump bump?
  16. weedsmoke1221

    HELP!!! Gnat Problem

    got a organic grow going as well - I find neem oil and insecticidal soap works well to keep them under control, both organic made by schultz.. I found it in the gardening section at the grrocerie store - hey they are adding CO2 to the grow area right?
  17. weedsmoke1221

    Do seeds from Bad bag weed produce bad bud grow?

    I was pondering this, and came to the conclusion good weed is usually good because the grower paid attention to what the plants needs were, genetics does have a large play on how they mature, but in the end they all mature in to weed... its just like us humans some people are healthy all the...
  18. weedsmoke1221

    veiwing trichroms without damaging them?

    So i bought on of those 10 dollar hand help microscopes from radio shack, but I can never hold myself or the plant still enough to see a good picture of the chromes. I'm trying to be a gentle as possible but still manage to break a hair or two, and the base of the microscope is all sticky...
  19. weedsmoke1221

    3 weeks 12/12 coments welcome! pics inside

    Strain is unbeknownst to me, its bag seed also from some kill I got. she's about 4 months old now, its been a slow grow, thinking it was due to the lower lumens that I was vegging under