Lets say I got 2 clones (different strains) with spider mites on them and want to keep and grow them out.
I've quarantined them in my shop which is around 19 Celsius. I've dosed them with neem oil and put them in a box with a cfl and No-Pest strips. Appears the bugs are gone but lots of eggs...
Is it possible to do no till in a 7 gal pot. I'm finished my first run and have 2 x 7 gallon pots filled with Black Swallow Living soil and 1 x 7 gal Pot with Promix HP used with Gaia green amendments.
Used the Black swallow and topdressed with gaia on same schedule as the Promix...
About to flip to flower.
Top dressed all 3 with 50/50.of the all purpose and bloom.
Noticed some browning on the promix/gaia pot.
Anything to worry about? And should I increase the lighting in one go or do it gradually?
Turned down the ligh. And raised temp and humidity a bit. Work in progress.
Seem to look happier now.
Thanks for the info.
The 4 th plant that didn't make it to the tent is sitting under a weaker light and is doing great and still in the one gallon.
Situation is not getting any better. Watered till a tiny bit of runoff. They sulked a bit
Yellowing is progressing on the sides of the leaves in spots.
Over all the plants look dark green with all new growth pail.
Don't know why the camera isn't picking up on it. Check it out
Just had our hardwood floors refinished and the smell from that has deminished but the output from my carbon filter reeks of it. Is the filter messed up after ingesting all those fumes? Have no idea where else I would ask this. Anyone?
6 day update. The yellowing of the tips is on most of the new growth.
I watered gradually with 2 l At a time and ramped it up to get the whole 7 gal Moist. Perhaps I've been under watering
Both soil mixes are doing the same thing.
Well lets see what's easier. The BlackSwallow living soil boasts water only for a smaller plant. See if the dry amendment way is just as easy with simple topdressings. fun.