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  1. J

    How does this mom gooey look from a first time grower?

    Yup, burnt tips and all.
  2. J

    How does this mom gooey look from a first time grower?

    fuck it. my first grow and at least its some frosty decent looking weed
  3. J

    How does this mom gooey look from a first time grower?

    Does it look okay to yall for my first grow
  4. J

    How does this mom gooey look from a first time grower?

    I cut her down last night. Have her hanging up
  5. J

    How does this mom gooey look from a first time grower?

    right lol. I felt all of that. But it needed to be said. Growers gotta learn
  6. J

    How does this mom gooey look from a first time grower?

    lol damn man nice end result blurple or not, and the lights the first on my list, also moving my current lights closer, they're about 9 inches over top but currently sleeping so thats tomorrows problem
  7. J

    How does this mom gooey look from a first time grower?

    thanks again bro, check ya later Next grow im planning on stepping it up.
  8. J

    How does this mom gooey look from a first time grower?

    preciate it man, i completely agree theres always more to learn and implement. And of course man, cant wait to smoke a fresh bowl of some mary jane i grew myself
  9. J

    How does this mom gooey look from a first time grower?

    Thank you all for your feedback, ill make sure to update and make the improvements listed hope she ends up being as good as i think she will be.
  10. J

    How does this mom gooey look from a first time grower?

    lol hey man i topped that plant and did some defoliating at the bottom, pretty high stress But yea i couldnt avoid the nutrient burn, it got me screwed up my first feeding and didnt do a half dose and its been haunting me since, and i will definitely move my lights closer and upgrade when i can...
  11. J

    How does this mom gooey look from a first time grower?

    Hell yeah i understand this was her at 14 days, plan on upgrading my lights but this was ny first run. I wanted to learn and make sure i could do it
  12. J

    How does this mom gooey look from a first time grower?

    thank you man, i topped about 2-3 weeks before flower and when i kicked over the flowering stretch did that.& Your plant looks beautiful good job
  13. J

    How does this mom gooey look from a first time grower?

    can i ask the reason? Why so low ?
  14. J

    How does this mom gooey look from a first time grower?

    I know some people dont like these posts but i also know some do and dont mind giving a little feedback. This is my first grow, im growing Mom Gooey, using black gold organic soil, flora trio, calimagic, ph'ed tap water to 6.5, have my runoff at 6.0, 3 led grow lights above that are supposed to...
  15. J

    Harvest time opinions?

    Thank yall
  16. J

    Harvest time opinions?

    Soil is black gold organic, nutes are calimagic and general hydro flora trio, light is 3 50 w leds plus 2 25 watt side lights