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  1. K

    Foam in the reservoir

    They're all for hydro.. and I repaired 80% of them
  2. K

    Foam in the reservoir

    Okay after I was reading a lot about it, everyone who used air stones with Roots Excelurator had the same problem as me. So its more for Kratky setup then DWC . I'd recommend everyone not to use it with air stone.
  3. K

    Does anyone have a before and after test with Cannazym or Sensizym ?

    Hiya, Id like to see if those things really eats away the bad/brown roots from the plant, because all I see is tests on paper .
  4. K

    Foam in the reservoir

    I woke up this morning to the same roots unfortunetlly so I changed the water again without that Roots Excelurator :/ which is disapointing as this thing costed me a fortune. So right now I used Flora Tripart, Atami Cal-Mag, Diamond Nectar and Mineral Magic/Silicate
  5. K

    Foam in the reservoir

    The same nutrients in kratky method
  6. K

    Foam in the reservoir

    22c /71f . Ive just removed one air stone. And the water is new, I've just changed it a day ago. They look just fine to be fair..
  7. K

    Foam in the reservoir

    They were whiter ... Im afraid its becuase of that Roots Excelurator
  8. K

    Foam in the reservoir

    Ive just changed the solution and I'm using RO Water, GHE Flora Series Diamond Nectar, Atami Cal-Mag and Roots Execlurator by HNG. And I have foam in the reservoir.. is it a bad thing? In my opinion it's because of the Roots Excelurator. Because of the beneficial bacterias and stuff.. there...
  9. K

    Can I use Flora series, Diamond Nectar and Roots excelurator together ?

    Ive just tried it, ill let everyone know :] I can say that the roots are already looks beautiful
  10. K

    Can I use Flora series, Diamond Nectar and Roots excelurator together ?

    Btw can I add mineral magic as well to those ?
  11. K

    Can I use Flora series, Diamond Nectar and Roots excelurator together ?

    I do have... mentioned that :]
  12. K

    Can I use Flora series, Diamond Nectar and Roots excelurator together ?

    The tap water here is 500 ppm out of the faucet.. :/ That mix sounds decent, Ill go for it and Ill add the Diamond Nectar and the Roots Excelurator. I dont mind the lighting but I dont have CO2 to add
  13. K

    Can I use Flora series, Diamond Nectar and Roots excelurator together ?

    Yes its RO water. I was a big newbie when I bought the nute so the store didnt have cal-magic so they said Johnny Green Cal-mag is the same so I took it .. so Im using it. I have ATAMI Cal-mag as well but havent used it yet.
  14. K

    Can I use Flora series, Diamond Nectar and Roots excelurator together ?

    The EC meter is great but the pH one is a bit cheap.
  15. K

    Can I use Flora series, Diamond Nectar and Roots excelurator together ?

    The tent setup is quite new and the plants are a bit old, right now the M/S is 0.3 which is nothing but they do great. Im willing to change the nute for the older one and add the Diamond nectar and the Roots Excelurator. The bucket are 5-6L, and I use to put everthing balanced. (the same for all...
  16. K

    Can I use Flora series, Diamond Nectar and Roots excelurator together ?

    Mars Hydro TS1000 18H/6h cycle keeping the grow tent in like 23-25 degres. Anything I use I do half strength or 1/4 strength...except of the Roots excelurator which is not a lot at all anyway. Btw the methhodis kratky, and Im willing to do a holl in the buckets air stone soon.
  17. K

    Can I use Flora series, Diamond Nectar and Roots excelurator together ?

    I always go half strength from this chart and its working :] I followed this chart two times and had my plants overfed
  18. K

    Can I use Flora series, Diamond Nectar and Roots excelurator together ?

    my question is will it ruin the Roots excelurator which has benefitcial bactrias and stuff..
  19. K

    Can I use Flora series, Diamond Nectar and Roots excelurator together ?

    Id like to use all of this together, will it have any problem ? did someone try ?