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  1. RockCandy

    Exhausting Design & Smell "Need Advice"

  2. RockCandy

    HELP ADVICE "the poor ol growroom"

    Yep also love ya vent idea and for the bathroom vent, it vents out the roof (LOL I want to go up on the roof and check out the has a ladder in the hallway for maintenance, too nervous that my neighbors would freak out...I know I would think something if I seen the neighbor up on the...
  3. RockCandy

    HELP ADVICE "the poor ol growroom"

    Hey yr the man!!!! Thanks!!! I just got a Stud Sensor to locate the studs in the wall and a drywall cutter... Checking out the central air system and yr right all kinds of room and options... Thought about also cutting a hole in the back of the closet and that leads to the bathroom closet...
  4. RockCandy

    HELP ADVICE "the poor ol growroom"

    OK found an idea for venting, could modify it...Check it out, "cute" this is suppose to be for a paintbooth, notice the white walls
  5. RockCandy

    Thanks!!! Miss RockCandy

    Thanks!!! Miss RockCandy
  6. RockCandy

    HELP ADVICE "the poor ol growroom"

    SyriuslyDelyrius, Hey thanks for reading and the reply, I did think about the cold air return, the door is in the same bedroom and has a big ass fan so strong that it is colder in the bedroom with the closet growroom (note this is a new apt vs last one I grew in). BUT I don't think I should in...
  7. RockCandy

    HELP ADVICE "the poor ol growroom"

    3'X4 1/2' closet... Painted flat white (Kool Seal)... Have a CO2 tank... Have a PL lighting system HPS 400W and 600W (don't use at the same time)... No venting, have in the past just left the closet door open??? (am I losing light, does the door need to be shut)...I have recently bought a dayton...
  8. RockCandy

    My fellow stoners...lend me your ears...

    Lot of info yes...Dumbass question how do you post something???? I can not find a freakin button to start a new post?????
  9. RockCandy

    Growing in rockwool

    Thanks the geen guy is AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA++++++
  10. RockCandy

    Growing in rockwool

    Any advice on growing in rockwool only. Example using 6x6 cubes. what is the best brand of nutrients for rockwool...