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  1. Ismoke2joints

    The Beauty of Cannabis - Photo Community

    Great shots, luv the purple bud composition
  2. Ismoke2joints

    The Beauty of Cannabis - Photo Community

    Girl Scout Cookies reaching for the light on Day 4
  3. Ismoke2joints

    The Beauty of Cannabis - Photo Community

    That’s a beautiful spread in your scrog net, well done! Perfect level buds and I luv your diy scrog net frame
  4. Ismoke2joints

    The Beauty of Cannabis - Photo Community

    Awesome post! Luv the sharpened artistic one, keep them coming!
  5. Ismoke2joints

    The Beauty of Cannabis - Photo Community

    Hi, I’m an internationally published professional photo journalist and long time advocate of cannabis worldwide. Please share your prize winning pictures of your plants at all stages, I hope to inspire this amazing community to dig your best cannabis photos out! Please include strain, age and...
  6. Ismoke2joints

    Hello everyone, welcome to my journey of capturing the beauty of cannabis while I grow legally...

    Hello everyone, welcome to my journey of capturing the beauty of cannabis while I grow legally in Canada!
  7. Ismoke2joints

    Bud porn

    Week 7 Flower Trichomes are starting to mature