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  1. R

    Xtreme gardening or great white

    Does it stain the roots or leave residue in the resivior?
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    Xtreme gardening or great white

    Dwc or coco/rockwool??
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    No matter what I do the ph in my 1 DWC rez is 6.3

    Its simple to set up a stealth ro system. Its just a quick connect. The water comes out slow af tho I would suggest u add it to a sink u don't u see often or use a Y style connector with a shut of valve. I wouldn't recommend using it in ur entire house though. U can ask around but if u strip...
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    Rate my budz!

    Some mid canopy nugs
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    No matter what I do the ph in my 1 DWC rez is 6.3

    Sounds like you're battling with the buffers in your tap water. Switch to RO or stop worrying about it. (You are still in range, alot of nutrient lines advise not to adjust the ph if its in between 5.5-6.5 )
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    Dtw drip irrigation problem

    I didn't add any orca after my res change, only Southern ag. 2 days ago I added mycoswp to my system, I added it to a pitcher with an airstone in it then top fed it in (the transport medium can leave behind some residue in your system). After the first day of using it I thought I was tripping...
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    Dtw drip irrigation problem

    It looks like MycosWp is the product that fits the description. Its made to be mixed into water and used as a drench or added into the res. Its inexpensive and contains the most aggressive strain of Rhizophagus Intraradice
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    Dtw drip irrigation problem

    My understanding is that it's all about Balance. They would compete with the other mycos and bacteria on the surface of the roots but since they don't multiply inside of the system, aslong as a fair amount of each of them are added the strongest/most fit bacteria and mycorrhizae would continue...
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    Dtw drip irrigation problem

    Thanks. Clean kelp is definitely some of the cleanest kelp I have ever seen. I had an issue with either kelp4less kelp(5ml gallon) or their fulvic acid(1/8tsp per gallon) and it stained and almost instantly began collecting on my roots. With clean kelp(10ml gallon) my water only has a slight...
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    Dtw drip irrigation problem

    Appp Application rates for the clean kelp?
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    Thinking of chopping now. Almost 10 weeks in flower

    They are swelling up nice. How do the trics look
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    DWC question

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    DWC question

    Thats a fact, but I keep hearing how SAG isn't suited to survive in water, that the strain of bacterial used in hydroguard is more suited to survive in r/dwc systems.. Did you notice a biofolm from the bacteria dying off ever couple of days?
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    DWC question

    I seen that shit,had a tote full of angel hairs, had me almost ready to try some SOUTHERN AG but I got a good deal on 5 gallons of hydroguard Have you tried SOUTHERN Ag before?
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    DWC question

    When I didn't use a chiller for one system for a couple of months I used UC roots with no problem and my water temp was 75-76 max before lights out(15 gallon system 70l/min air pump). just because it worked for me doesnt mean i would recommend it. Im just confused on why you would risk root...
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    DWC question

    Set a bucket up with a air stone in it and monitor the temperature. I have 5 rdwc systems and I use chiller on all of them. Dwc is all about everything being easily accessible and abundant to the plant, thats including oxygen. The colder the water the more oxygen it can hold. I have ran...
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    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    In rdwc my ppms are 400-500 in veg and 1000 tops in flower. I know the kelp in the liquid karma helps alot when it comes to high ppms but my plants grow just fine with low ppms as long as my environment stays dialed in. Kelp for less liquid kelp extract is a good cheaper substitute for liquid...
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    Thinking of chopping now. Almost 10 weeks in flower

    They are getting there, Christmas/new years sounds about right
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    System Advice - Current Culture

    Facts. I think the only way to replicate their draining system would be to build the system on a rack or some type of stands and put the draining system underneath the buckets
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    Fixing root rot: Hydroguard v Southern Ag Garden Friendly Fungicide

    Finally made it to the end. DWC WAR 1-3 biological warfare, geesh what a battle If anyone doesn't want to grab a chiller I recommend going sterile ( uc roots or pool shock) but honestly water temp is very important. The whole point of dwc is allowing the plant to get easy access to...