Search results

  1. Heady McDank

    There are reviews on strainly also, pics on ig, thcfarmer, overgrow just look for headymcdank

    There are reviews on strainly also, pics on ig, thcfarmer, overgrow just look for headymcdank
  2. Heady McDank

    since i am a mere hobbyist doing alot in a little space they start at only $30 for a 10 pack i...

    since i am a mere hobbyist doing alot in a little space they start at only $30 for a 10 pack i put the link in the bio in the case you are interested
  3. Heady McDank

    i am not sure about reviews. i have started making crosses with gear i got from them and have...

    i am not sure about reviews. i have started making crosses with gear i got from them and have some listed on strainly link in bio. Starting at $30
  4. Heady McDank

    It may be flavor vs flavour

    It may be flavor vs flavour
  5. Heady McDank

    The site is kinda basic so you gotta hit the magnifying glass then search for a breeder or...

    The site is kinda basic so you gotta hit the magnifying glass then search for a breeder or keyword. For instance top dawg or cookies. It is a little strange at first but there is no password.
  6. Heady McDank

    Hey brother, Here is the site If you go on ig, his page has an...

    Hey brother, Here is the site If you go on ig, his page has an email signup for deal emails that offer further discounts. @therealflavourcreator It may have another @therealflavourcreator Enjoy! Responsibly ofcourse ...hehe...
  7. Heady McDank

    Freeborn Selections

    Hey Brother, Welcome to cherry west bx mania! Haha... man...that stuff is good! Love that cherry taste with lime undertones it makes the corners of my mouth pucker like tart candy, then relief overtakes me! Pain and stress say bye! Cherry west bx take me away! Haha... I have pics of the...
  8. Heady McDank

    Freeborn Selections

    If anybody is interested, i made some extra cherry west bx ibls, i have some extra, and i have them listed on strainly along with a few other crosses i made using the cherry west bx male crossed to corey cut stardawg, rosso corsa, and the cube. Take care
  9. Heady McDank

    Freeborn Selections

  10. Heady McDank

    Freeborn Selections

    It seems like those should be good brother. The nice thing about freeborn is that the outdoor environment where they are bred is harsh enough that the freeborn crosses usually handle a bit of variance and extremes in terms of heat, cold, dry, wet, from what i have seen. Also, you are very close...
  11. Heady McDank

    Freeborn Selections

    Brother those are AMAZING plants and great pics! My mouth started to pucker as i was looking at them the way it does when i hit that cherry west bx! Haha... i kid you not... I am running cherry west now. I just used a cherry west bx male to pollenate several varieties like the cube, corey cut...
  12. Heady McDank

    Freeborn Selections

    No doubt! I picked up a pack of those thru regenerativeseeds... ended up with 2 ...kinda ended up lucking out... guy said he sent them but didnt have tracking # when i emailed and asked for it since they didnt arrive for several weeks around the beginning of covid... he then tells me a story...
  13. Heady McDank

    Topdawg Genetics

    I found the pics!
  14. Heady McDank

    Top dawg seeds NYC Chem f2 info please!!!

    Thats sweet man! I got a couple stardawg crosses i picked up including the sd ix. Its gonna be a minute until i can run them tho. Did you email him? Or? Did you grow any of the nyc chem out? Any pics?
  15. Heady McDank

    Top dawg seeds NYC Chem f2 info please!!!

    If you are still trying to pick this up i saw it over at gandl for $110 also the chem de la chem. That was the cheapest i seen em. Gotta search for top dawg or others. Happy growing!
  16. Heady McDank

    Freeborn Selections

    Hey bud, I was surprised there was not more mention of freeborn also. For less expensive freeborn try el aleph seedbank - no website yet but you can get the email and get a full list on his instagram. Some of best priced. Regenerativeseeds carries them usually and decent prices but they are...
  17. Heady McDank

    Infusing Chocolate with BHO

    Hey there! This is a prticularly favorite topic of mine! Chocolate and cannabis! Mmmm... I started using a coconut based shortening called nutiva. I can melt the shortening in a large metal measuring cup on the stove top on warm/very low heat, put bho directly into shortening, then add to...
  18. Heady McDank

    Tk texas kid beans trc texas resin company lonestar

    Hey everybody, I hope everybody is doing well in this chaotic moment and that the growth is with you! I have been on a journey. One of self discovery, growth, and fire swamps. 12ish years ago i began looking for that awesome blueberry. After trying dutch passion and loving dj short blueberry i...
  19. Heady McDank

    Trichs Ready Yet?

    They are looking good, the trichs from pic have nice long stalks. When i saw them i was wondering if it was sativa leaning those flowers should be flavorful! Good job! I struggle with the trich color sometimes too. Another thing i look for is when the caps become full of thc and begin to fade...