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  1. Bonghitter420

    My First Harvest!!!

    looks good man bongsmilie
  2. Bonghitter420

    Leaves curling up?

    try to get the temp to around 74-78, they will get better bongsmilie
  3. Bonghitter420

    good luck bro

    good luck bro
  4. Bonghitter420

    well i don't know yet, i just chopped them all down yesterday so their still drying/curing

    well i don't know yet, i just chopped them all down yesterday so their still drying/curing
  5. Bonghitter420

    i poked a hole in the plant pot, then bent the plant in the middle until it was where i wanted...

    i poked a hole in the plant pot, then bent the plant in the middle until it was where i wanted it then i tied it there...its not that difficult i just sorta pinched it where i wanted it to bend then bent it over and tied it down. i don't know what nutes i used because i got them from my bro. and...
  6. Bonghitter420

    i topped 1 and tied the other 2 over:leaf:

    i topped 1 and tied the other 2 over:leaf:
  7. Bonghitter420

    Question reqarding hermaphrodites

    if u stress a female to much it can turn hermi. bongsmilie
  8. Bonghitter420

    light socket plug in..

    im using some of those with my 42W CFL's, havent had a problem. bongsmilie
  9. Bonghitter420

    6 26w cfls

    yea, i use a mix of the 26W's and the 42W's and i used a total of 9 CFL's for 4 plants. though when u go to flower id suggest u either get a diff lighting system or get a few 42W CFL's. bongsmilie
  10. Bonghitter420

    Joke of the day

    lol good one mygirls:clap: bongsmilie
  11. Bonghitter420

    Is this nute burn???

    i agree with him 100% bongsmilie
  12. Bonghitter420

    Is this nute burn???

    what u using for lights? bongsmilie
  13. Bonghitter420

    Too sick to live???

    well if i was gonna let a plant "die" id walk it out to some woods and put it in the ground then go back a few months later and see if it survived. bongsmilie
  14. Bonghitter420

    Leaves Drooping

    yea u could dilute it or just add less nutes to the water. to tell if it needs water stick ur finger into the soil about and inch and see if its wet or dry. another good way is to pick up a pot when its dry and then pick 1 up that has been watered. bongsmilie
  15. Bonghitter420

    Leaves Drooping

    make a thread, post a pic. but from what u SAID about it DRYING out and DROPPING my guess is under watered. bongsmilie
  16. Bonghitter420

    Leaves turning yellow in late flower

    yeah their good, when the plants nearing the end it will start using stored up energy in its leaves. bongsmilie
  17. Bonghitter420

    update on grow added nutes

    looking great man, how tall is your grow area? bongsmilie
  18. Bonghitter420

    First grow, help please

    i grow in MG just fine but i don't use it when its 1st sprouting, nutes shouldn't be givin to a plant until its about 4-5 months old. u can put CFL's really 42W are about 1inch from the plant, and the 26W ones are less than an inch away. bongsmilie
  19. Bonghitter420

    First grow.. soil question

    im on my 1st grow and almost done and i been using soil and its going great, id say soil for ur 1st grow....its been pretty easy for me so far. bongsmilie