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  1. H

    Obama and Pot

    Up in Canada we hear all the U.S. bs, This has to be the largest puppet show in last 5 elections that I can remember. The Democratic Party has struck a new low testing the waters in this method of pitting a black man against a white woman. They are pushing the limits and exploiting what the...
  2. H

    I have 4X7 foot area and 600W. how many plants?

    I maybe a little late however, there is a light wattage calculator somewhere on the web and for a 4x7 you should be using no less than 1400w of hps. The best advice that anyone regardless of their math skills, lol, can give to you is to reduce your space using polyester aluminum (disposable...
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    Ultrasonic Cloning...

    forgewithfire; No I've no experience with ultrasonic, I just built my air cloner and now on my 2nd set. I too have a miserable time cloning tried everything rw, oasis, pro-mix, sunshine#4 and what worked for me is h2o2, no harmone just a heck alot of bubbles. Just water not even phd. Who would...
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    Major Wilting

    I'm wondering what eventually happened. The tin foil, heat and over watering. Only 1 phrase can describe it best "Grow room blues". A change of venue is in order.
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    8 clones: 1 dead, 5 problem, 2 Monsters? complete journal

    cruzer101, cuz, this is Toronto, Canada callin. I am late, but a wise man once told me to learn from my mistakes. Have you learned yours? I looked over your pics and must ask how often you check your ph, your top off values and heat! I see heat stress all over as well ph burn, nute burn and...
  6. H

    Cuttings the poor mans way....

    Wow! I've been seeking the Yoda of clones, sure enough my quest continues. LMFAO! Why is it that no one can answer the frequently asked question; "How can I clone my plant". All the answers I've read are all the same. I am looking for the unorthadox method cause the orthadox one isn't working...