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  1. Cashish

    Questions About Genetics

    I know different strains respond differently but i can imgine then that seeds from the same strain may respond differently as well. I should post a pic of the perfect plant and the rest that look sad, it's crazy. The other plants have had the same treament, same strain, same environment but look...
  2. Cashish

    Questions About Genetics

    thanks guys, good info here. I've usually just skipped past the breeding sections but have some general knowledge of genetics. Would the unstability a breed has also change how a particular strain uses and responds to grow room factors like water, air and nutrients too?
  3. Cashish

    Questions About Genetics

    ya, should've know; here it goes: 400HPS, soiless grow, hyrdo nutes, ph balanced water, temp 20 celsius and humidity 30-40ish. 3 gallon pots watered with 2-3 cups every 5 or so days or until soil seems dry enough. hope this give a bit more info. This post is not supposed to be about the...
  4. Cashish

    Questions About Genetics

    This post is basically about getting help about deciding if a plants appearance is due to poor genetics or grower error. Suppose you have some plants (all 1 strain) that all look different. These plants differ in how much they stretch, their growth rate and the way secondary growth looks. One...
  5. Cashish

    1 Inch Rule DWC

    good response, thx for the help man.
  6. Cashish

    How Much?

    As mrguyy wonders, as do I, why the water level is important considering they'll be spending the rest of their lives in water?!?! Thank you.
  7. Cashish

    1 Inch Rule DWC

    Does the water level matter unless it's so high up that your plant is drowning? Why does it matter if the plants are growing in aerated water?
  8. Cashish

    How Much?

    dude, i've got the perfect DWC guide for you, check it out. best guide ever!
  9. Cashish

    1 Inch Rule DWC

    Aiyeet. You're welcome.
  10. Cashish

    1 Inch Rule DWC

    Why do most guides say you should leave 1 inch above bottom when roots haven't grown through the basket? Why do guides say that once roots show through the basket you should have your water level 1 inch below the bottom of the basket? Thank you
  11. Cashish

    To Growfaq

    I think this post deserves it's recognition and should be added to growfaq because i see lots of people asking about curling leave. I'll include the link now. /sign if you think it should...
  12. Cashish

    These Look Right?

    bumped this post
  13. Cashish

    These Look Right?

    Hello once again, Here's an update of my plants 5 weeks, but sure don't look it. My suspicions are either over fertilization, temperture problems or possibly overwatering. Note the rolling of margins, twisting and dry appearance. I ph water 6.5-6.9. I waterered them in their smaller 4inch pots...
  14. Cashish

    A nutrient just to help rooting?

    Look for a nutrient that has vitamin B1 in it; some brands are thrive alive, superthrive, those the only kind i know of. I get mine from a general gardening store.
  15. Cashish

    Intentional Plant Stress

    heh, like: "I give you a home!? Nutrients!? Water!? I bought a PH pen, 400HPS, HYDROPONIC nutrients and....and THIS is how you repay me?! With these...these......yellowing leaves?! Slow growth?! Spindly branches?!"; meanwhile slapping the pots. oh yeah, i can't find an article yet but i've...
  16. Cashish

    Intentional Plant Stress

    Has anyone ever heard of how some orchard crop growers will wack their trees with chains? This supposedly makes the plant think that things are dodgy and they interpret this as stress causing the plants to drive all their energy into producing higher quality and number of fruits. Anyone ever try...
  17. Cashish

    best stoner movies of all time

    Trailer Park Boys Seasons 1-5, particularily (season 2 is it?) the episode called: The Bare Pimp Project (Ricky gets his grade 10, Ricky rats on Cyrus who fails grade 10 for cheating on an exam which causes Cyrus to exact revenge, J-Roc films a porn movie staring Sam Loscow which Julian uses to...
  18. Cashish

    Control Freak

    I was just asking if having a bigger volume of air space but with fluctuating air conditions is better or worse than a grow tent which you can control humidity and tempurature more precisely. The tradeoff between the open room vs. a grow tent is air volume, but the thing is i don't have the...
  19. Cashish

    Control Freak

    Is having an enclosed grow box better for plants in terms of providing more consistent atmospheric conditions assuming you got an exhaust, heater and humidifier or is it better to keep a more open space with air conditions being the trade off? Thanks for the replies in advance. Cashish
  20. Cashish

    Watering your plant?

    Wagwan... I would watch out about watering as rigidly to schedule as some guides tell you to because not only is the soils drainage somewhat important, the most important aspect is how your plant deals with the water u give it. The way plants deal with water is dependent on the age and...