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  1. R


    yeh the're noisy expensive shits with about 10,000 parts whizzing around in close formation held to gether by one jesus nut. sorry. thay can be loaded up with all sorts of snoop devices. they just showed on tv the other day here in Oz a bunch of cops flying around looking for dope. no infared...
  2. R

    Aussie Outdoor 08/09

    G'day troops. good to see an aussie thread. not a big grower but try to wack in a plant or four when i can. i work and live city during the week and drive a couple of hours home in the semi bush on weekends. suburbia is creeping up on us. I have a couple of plants going in the closet in the...
  3. R

    How safe is a apartment grow?

    No they never went thru anything . they just simply got it all off the wet floor and put it on the bed. ireally should have dropped in to the fire station with a case of beer. still lucky tho
  4. R

    How safe is a apartment grow?

    I have a old wardrobe with a couple of plants with a 400w ag grow in an old single bedroom 2nd floor flat. been there 6 years and never had an inspection. the setup is in the bedroom next to the door to the bathroom. other than leaving the window open a bit and closing the curtains when i open...
  5. R

    NO more BUSH!

    NO MORE BUSH has the same ring as NO MORE HOWARD. the Aussies voted that arse wipe out just over a year ago. great feeling isn't it!! really glad that the whole US election thing is over. We probably knew more about all the candidates better than you lot over there. some of it was great...
  6. R


    how do they package the seeds? in unmarked packaging? if customs find it you will be charged under fed laws not state. do you just order and send to your home or take some sort of precautions.? the fluros are right down on them few inches off. when they are bigger and i give them the 400watter...
  7. R


    the 4 failures where just potting mix and water either rain water from out of town filtered. if i used tap water it sat in glass in sunlight to burn off clorides for at least two days, started in 10 inch pots under fluro plant grows. placed under the 400w higher than normal 4 ft when they...
  8. R

    cops pulled me over, please read and help

    This just sounds like a lesson for the rookie. teach him how to imtimidate and humiliate. if you got the bucks fight it. but think about the next time you are in their area. a lot of people in Oz are pretty peeved of by getting done by revenue producing speed and red light cameras. so they are...
  9. R


    G'day from Downunder. Been a toker for a long time (70's) grown outdoors a fair bit but now stuck in a apartment and it sucks. i've had a small cupboard setup with three plants for a couple of years. it was just simple soil with a 400wt luca grow and auto water. first two attempts were great...