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  1. G

    how small can u take clones

    i found a thread on here a while ago and saw a really good post of some one who would take a whole branch and cut it at each node...i just would like to kno more about this and if anyone has taken 1 inch clones? Any feedback would be nice
  2. G

    Quickest Safe Seedbank?

    attitude seeds...i ordered and seeds came within a week accompanied by 6 free seeds 5 thai ss and a gigabud not expecting too much but they were free
  3. G

    Grow Room What Do I Need?

    its still gonna be at least 100$ to get started with basic materials
  4. G

    signs that a plant is not recieving enough light?

    yea but if u have them high enough from the plants its ok i start my plants for 2 weeks under fluros then throw them under the mh...makes a big difference
  5. G

    signs that a plant is not recieving enough light?

    ...then put more light? there are really no signs u wanna have like 3000 lumens per sq foot for decent growth so buy some cfls(compact fluorescents)
  6. G

    light spectrum question?

    the blue spectrum is better for veg but having both is good too u can choose to go with all blue or blue and red. with t5s u wanna put them close to the seedlings a few inches away
  7. G

    Grow Room What Do I Need?

    it depends on wat lights u buy mostly and then all the small things like pots soil nutes fans power bar timer it will run a bit high the first grow
  8. G

    6th week flowering red diesel(barneys farm)

    an update on the red diesel i was only able to take one pic before my camera died unfortunately but decent pic
  9. G

    about to plant need some pointers plz

    got a decent amount of my stuff at good ol wally mart
  10. G

    about to plant need some pointers plz

    is a nursery like wal mart cuz if it is then yes wal mart
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    High Resolution White Widow Pictures-- 6 Weeks Flowering.

    which company u order from cuz theres like a million diff white widows...i like the one from de sjamaan
  12. G

    about to plant need some pointers plz

    invest in a couple lamps and buy some cfls they are pretty cheap 10-20$ depending on size and they work well for veg
  13. G

    about to plant need some pointers plz

    just use the fluros they will be enough the incandescent will just heat up the room and may burn ur plant if its to close so best bet use fluros and 2 of them on 3 plants will be enough
  14. G

    about to plant need some pointers plz

    pics...and btw the one that looks droopy was just watered so it will look better in a couple hours the first one is a pic of an lst plant. first time using that technique liking the results really thick plant that one a month and a half old and the others couple weeks
  15. G

    about to plant need some pointers plz

    well i keep my seedlings in the same room as i do my clones and mother plants and they stay on 24 hours because i only have 2 40 watt cfls and a 4 foot fluorescent so not that much power but the plants i have vegging are on 18/6 and they look really nice just starting
  16. G

    Whats wrong with my babies???

    i think ur supposed to start at a smaller quarter strength cuz they look like they got nute burn
  17. G

    6th week flowering red diesel(barneys farm)

    vegged for 2 months and i am loving the results. my first grow so didnt really have too much money for high quality nutes and soil but looks like they turned out just fine. and just like u i cant wait to see the harvest as well.
  18. G

    ahhh! (G13 Thai Super Skunk)

    i jus got over the mg soil lol i just used it for my red diesel plants and bc god bud but this time around gonna use more my own soil. have topsoil perlite vermiculite and peat moss so gonna mix that into it wen i transplant but mg works and i got em under a t12...would have like some t5s but...
  19. G

    ahhh! (G13 Thai Super Skunk)

    a couple pics of the thai