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  1. P

    My very 1st grow.. very ghetto to start!

    Just finished a batch of iso. It wasn't that tough, but it is quite a bit harder than it looks. I used a regular paper coffee filter so I had to wait forever for the solution to filter through. I thought I could just stand there with a filter on top of a metal screen strainer, and hold it above...
  2. P

    My very 1st grow.. very ghetto to start!

    FINALLY!! I dunno what the FUCK has been going on between RIU and tor (internet anonymity tool), but it has been nearly impossible to access this site over their network for the past month or so. I apologize to anyone who thinks I disappeared intentionally or anything, but there's no way I'd...
  3. P

    Hermie or swelling calyxes? (PICS)

    Thanks. Would heat stress cause the calyxes to appear to have a "shell" when you break up the dry bud? There is nothing in them, and they still have pistil hairs, but they are swelling and getting hard, or something. Also the trichs on the swollen calyxes are getting really amberish/brown.
  4. P

    Hermie or swelling calyxes? (PICS)

    Bump. Someone's gotta know wtf is goin on in those pics lol
  5. P

    Hermie or swelling calyxes? (PICS)

    Nahh no scope or access to one. I only have macros so who knows what color the trichs really are:<. Here's the best trich pics I have to date: Forgot to mention that I harvested half the plant already. This is the bottom half. Even the top had those weird swelling calyxes, and some were...
  6. P

    Hermie or swelling calyxes? (PICS)

    So I had this girl flowering under low light since the second week of January, or about 14 weeks to date. It was bagseed, but I think it's either trainwreck/purple trainwreck/purple urkel. She hasn't received much stress other than being flowered with only 56W of CFLs and no nutes, although the...
  7. P

    My very 1st grow.. very ghetto to start!

    Definitely start a journal if you're gonna do a guerrilla grow. I have around 5 bagseeds ready to plant come early summer, or whenever the cannabis planting season starts in the Northeast-Mid Atlantic region. Hmmm.. If I can somehow find a hotplate or something I'll give that a try. I'm...
  8. P

    My very 1st grow.. very ghetto to start!

    When I was breaking up some of the curing-in-progress bud I noticed that those golden calyxes are actually hollow and really do have little white things that look like baby seeds in them. Woah :eyesmoke: Then I remembered.. this WAS that weird, narrow budded stuff I had a long time ago! I...
  9. P

    My very 1st grow.. very ghetto to start!

    Pics from earlier this morning. WTF is going on with those calyxes swelling and turning yellowish gold? Are those amber trichs and some sort of maturity sign or are those half formed seeds due to stress or some shit?
  10. P

    PC Grow box build (Sorry 56K people)

    That would be sick.. you'd definitely see some dense weed:space ratios if it works. Gonna look up supercropping now, as I forgot what it is:joint: As for strains.. try growing some sour diesel if you never had it before, although I doubt it will do well in closed spaces being a sativa dom and...
  11. P

    My very 1st grow.. very ghetto to start!

    About to change the water for the second time, looks good so far. The water is just as purple as before. Which leaves can you actually smoke? Some of the bud leaves aka "sugar leaves" have crystals on them, and yeah I have a shitload of trim including lots of those sugar leaves. Then I have the...
  12. P

    PC Grow box build (Sorry 56K people)

    Oh OK I never heard of that one before. Very interesting.. I did a search and am now reading about it. Looks like it works pretty well for one big cola in a tiny space.
  13. P

    My very 1st grow.. very ghetto to start!

    Heh maybe, or maybe I fucked up and punched the wall or something :blsmoke: It's tough to say cause I quick dried a bunch of the initial buds, and they were so dry that the weights would be useless. So far, I got maybe an eighth and a half that I smoked already. Now I have another eighth and a...
  14. P

    PC Grow box build (Sorry 56K people)

    Yeah for a smaller case like yours, two big CFLs are the way to go as you can't really fit 3-4 26Ws in there. I wonder if the plants will fit after 1 month of vegging if you get some really vigorous growers in there :lol:. That's probably a good thing though as you can always just move them to...
  15. P

    PC Grow box build (Sorry 56K people)

    Nahh you gotta use the 5600K lights for veg. I would say use 3 5600K and 1 2700K for veg, then switch to 3 2700K and 1 5600K to flower.
  16. P

    PC Grow box build (Sorry 56K people)

    Multiple 26W CFLs are the way to go as far as efficiency is concerned; they sure as hell beat one big high wattage CFL in terms of lumens per watt. As for color temps, you can just use all >5600K CFLs for vegging (6500K is best) and all 2700K CFLs for flowering. It might be beneficial to mix...
  17. P

    My very 1st grow.. very ghetto to start!

    Comments sent. I lost the cola I was water curing. Can't get into details, suffice to say my knuckles are still bruised and healing from uh, stuff, and it hurts to type :hump: The plant and everything else is fine, and I will be harvesting the rest of the cola and top buds in the morning...
  18. P

    PC Grow box build (Sorry 56K people)

    NICEE!! Good shit man, I was going to build something like this but decided against it when I couldn't order autoflower seeds. At the time, I didn't realize you could grow anything in there and just flower early. I like the mylar and ventilation, and if 56W did it for my plant 200W should work...
  19. P

    My very 1st grow.. very ghetto to start!

    LOL I honestly wish I could just mail you some bud, but that would compromise our anonymity which is bad, especially since I may do a commercial grow and will need to discuss it on this site. Right now, I have no access to commercial shit and have no quick dried bud any more :-(. All the popcorn...
  20. P

    Is this lady ready to harvest? (pics!)

    Hell yeah! Thanks bro. Although I'm not sure if it's naturally purple or it's just a combination of cold temps and a P deficiency. The purps still look sick though. Damn dude thanks.. never thought people would like this grow that much. Don't worry, I aint smoking any quick dried buds anymore...