Search results

  1. J

    Lemon G Athens OH

    love it, this it what i need!
  2. J

    Lemon G Athens OH

    I know its been a hot minute, but did you ever get a chance to try these?
  3. J

    Lemon G Athens OH

    You have a link? Where do you order from?
  4. J


    I've seen a few people offering fem seeds online, claiming Ohio lineage, Pacific seed bank I think has them. However I had always understood that the genetics in the hocking area were held onto super tight, can't imagine someone sharing with a breeder. Guess I'll just keep searching
  5. J


    Any luck on this? I spent some years in the hocking valley, still haven't found anything that compares to real deal Lemon G. Any leads at all finding Lemon G, been looking everywhere!
  6. J


    Been searching high and low for a line on real lemon g!
  7. J

    Lemon G Athens OH

    I'm on the hunt too for the lemon g! Let me know if you find anything.