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  1. F

    first outdoor grow! opinions!!?? need to finish out strong!

    and yes definitely going to be some time spent trimming. also still trying to figure out how to dry everything. really leaning towards building a drying shed
  2. F

    first outdoor grow! opinions!!?? need to finish out strong!

    thanks guys!! lots of hard work so hopefully it pays off. i appreciate the feedback. hoping this crop does enough for me to start up full time.
  3. F

    first time outdoors!!! Need some feedback!!!!!

    that's my next step is to add fans in the next week or so. ill also have another greenhouse tarp up over my bigger bushes. im just still super worried about mold come fall!!
  4. F

    first time outdoors!!! Need some feedback!!!!!

    getting ready to flower and definitely concerned about mold
  5. F

    first time outdoors!!! Need some feedback!!!!!

    fist time outside, just wanted some thoughts and opinions?
  6. F

    first outdoor grow! opinions!!?? need to finish out strong!

    first time grow outdoor. just wanted some advice. everything is or will be covered by the end of the month in greenhouse tarps and i will be running outdoor fans come fall to keep mold out. just wanted to see if anyone could see anything I'm missing?