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  1. O

    Lemon G Athens OH

    Anyone have any idea if Lemon G is still around Athens? Not the Columbus version the kind that u could tracks cross an open field and taste the same til the last puff. I’ve seen similar flavor profile in Forbidden Fruit out of San Fran but nithing close to the Athens Version OG true lemon G...
  2. O

    I went to OU in 2005, Lg, Bubble gym, Juicy Fruit, Afghan Mango were world class. I think about...

    I went to OU in 2005, Lg, Bubble gym, Juicy Fruit, Afghan Mango were world class. I think about them all the time and wonder how much beer id have to trade to get my hands on some. Your the first person I’ve seen wasn’t blowing smoke about their lemon. Can you shed some light on their current...