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  1. H

    Please help guys, white fuzzy mold

    Sounds good man thanks for the assist
  2. H

    Please help guys, white fuzzy mold

    My room stays anywhere from 40-45%
  3. H

    Please help guys, white fuzzy mold

    Roger that, Thanks man. It's always a panic when you see a big issue that could ruin all the time and care I've put into these girls. How long should I keep them in the paper bags you think? You think I should trim down the bigger bugs to smaller size?
  4. H

    Please help guys, white fuzzy mold

    The bigger nugs were on a drying rack for 6 days. Jared the smaller ones a bit sooner since they dryer sooner. The 2 infected colas were the big nugs. Gone through all and it was only those 2 for some reason. Am I good to keep the others?
  5. H

    Please help guys, white fuzzy mold

    Yes burping them 2 times a day right now since its the first few days.
  6. H

    Please help guys, white fuzzy mold

    Hey guys, I recently put my stuff in jars and I put my best quality stuff in a big jar with some 55% humidity packs. I guess a few were not dry enough and two big colas so far have white fuzzy mold on them (but only in the inside part, not on outside of bud). I and checking them all and only...
  7. H

    Nothing dumber than a flat earther

    And whitewalkers are on the other side.
  8. H

    Nothing dumber than a flat earther

    It's pressurized up there. It's the same stuff we breath down here. You know like a commercial air plane or are those fake too. Durruuduhhhhh. Mia flat eathder duhhderrha. You're literally the dumbest person. Can't stand morons like you. Hitting ignore button now.
  9. H

    Nothing dumber than a flat earther

    So RetiredGuerilla, how does the atmosphere work? What's holding the oceans from falling off the earth? why have ZERO explorers seen the edge. How do you explain the sun everyday and the moon at night? Wouldn't it be daylight all the time? What's underneath us? Why are satellites not showing us...
  10. H

    Buds slightly light burnt?

    Well if it's less than 12-14 inches away then def, but if it's further then just need to get the conditions right. I use 600 watt hps at 15 inches and mine are fine.
  11. H

    Help 1st time grow 3 1/2 week into flower

    Plant doesn't need much nitrogen during bloom. I would suggest doing some research on nutrients and when / how much to feed of each.
  12. H

    Help 1st time grow 3 1/2 week into flower

    Need to get that way up. Roots need soil between 6-7 ph. Plant is not up taking nutrients because it's so low. Ppms is different though, but now that you mentioned the ph, that should be your main concern.
  13. H

    Ideas of yield?

    Upgrading on lights will help tremendously.
  14. H

    Ideas of yield?

    Prob under a zip. Depends on how much buds grow.
  15. H

    Ideas of yield?

    Lol not very much bud.
  16. H

    Help 1st time grow 3 1/2 week into flower

    You need a bunch more phos and pat. Probably some cal/mag too. Should darken up after. Add it in slowly day by day. What are your ppms at?
  17. H

    Nothing dumber than a flat earther

    This is good. Been going through this thread and seen some pretty funny stuff. Now I can go ahead block all flat earthers so I know I won't be getting advice from a total dumbass. Btw gravity holds everything down, water is no exception. Need proof? Go jump off a cliff.
  18. H

    Which would you choose?

    The two on the left will most likely be bigger but you have enough room for all right now I'm sure. Give it a few weeks to see if something changes. One could take off that you didn't expect.
  19. H

    Buds slightly light burnt?

    Give her some phosphorus and potassium to darken her up and raise the CO2 so she can handle the heat. Will be good to go.
  20. H

    Herms / pollen sac grow time?

    Hey fam, I have a true herm with 3 other plants in the same tent and caught it a bit too late in the middle of week 5 flower. Have some seeds a coming but trying to mitigate the damage. The herm plant is of course my biggest producer with amazing looking buds so I'm not tossing her out. I...