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  1. B

    Yellowing/Browning on Upper Leaves in Late Flower

    I would be flushing her now no more feed she looks like she’s coming to the end of her cycle the fan leaves are always the first indicator she’s near end I wouldn’t worry at all man looking great nice fat dence buds
  2. B

    Harvest now or leave!!?? Help????

    Yeah mate managed to clear the house out of all my grow stuff buds drying at another house and me landlord let me keep the property but at the same time I don't want it mate all I want to do is grow year round so if I can't do that here means I must move after Christmas right now it's curing in...
  3. B

    Harvest now or leave!!?? Help????

    Sorry took a few days to reply mate... Just had this letter through the door they never even fucking showed up just have me a final warning haha but tbh its not funny my yeild went to shit I ended up with 7oz of my plant when she should of easily pushed 15 the buds still had a week left easily...
  4. B

    Turning hermie!! Harvest now or no??

    Illegal*** hahah
  5. B

    Harvest now or leave!!?? Help????

    Shit went south mate got grassed on by my fucking neighbour had a letter come through the door half way through trimming from my landlord saying that his has been informed I'm growing cannibas and has informed the police!! 1st of all thank you so fucking much for this letter beacuse you saved my...
  6. B

    Turning hermie!! Harvest now or no??

    Bro I live in the UK haha its so fucking legal hahahaha I'm so chilled right now it's all hung up at a different house waiting for the cunts to turn up tomrorow so I can sue them for fucking dis stress hahaha house is clean like a fucking diamond I'll see you all next year for the big one
  7. B

    Turning hermie!! Harvest now or no??

    Yeah mate massively. can't beleive it tbh I don't get how they would ever have found out unless they would have seen me bringing stuff in and out the house but yeah all I can think is I'm so lucky they sent a letter I could have had this hanging up in my tent and shit would have gone bad for me...
  8. B

    Turning hermie!! Harvest now or no??

    Well fuck my life guys worst day of my life I probably won't comment on here for awhile... Got grassed on by my neighbours came home from work to a letter through the door from my landlord saying there's been a complaint of growing cannibas and the police and the landlord will be round in a few...
  9. B

    Turning hermie!! Harvest now or no??

    Best close up I can get Jim Jim what you thinking?
  10. B

    Harvest now or leave!!?? Help????

    Thanks bro I took some pics today you can see how crazy the orange and brown hairs are now.. I did worry way to much your right haha I was always going to have some rubbish lower buds due to the catterpila war but they are all gone now... I've been flushing for the past week and a bit now run...
  11. B

    Turning hermie!! Harvest now or no??

    Man I need a magnifying glass she really does look near ready for harvest me mate keeps telling me I'm now at the 80% orange/brown pistols mark and to harvest bit I feel I can get these fuckers more dence with 1 more week
  12. B

    How far away is she?

    Yeah mate I thought that would be the case at least 2 weeks max left next Thursday would be fucking perfect I can deal with a week but 2 weeks away its like it was all for nothing!!! Man I'm fucking gutted I really am ill just have to cure it magically haha but yeah man it's me own fault for...
  13. B

    Turning hermie!! Harvest now or no??

    This picture is 5 days old mate ill get one before work in the morning but hardly any white pistils like you say I need to look deeper tho
  14. B

    Turning hermie!! Harvest now or no??

    Thanks so much for all the quick replys guys... Yeah mate I'm seeing literally 10% white pistols if that!! Could that be due to stress? or is that impossible but literally there all orange/brown now mate ill try grab a pic in the morning... I need a bloody magnifying glass or something
  15. B

    How far away is she?

    I've got a major problem guys. I have an inspection on my gas and electric in 12 days I worked everything out wrong and thought she would be ready by now I have no choice but to harvest her and get her hung up to dry before this fucking inspection. Absolutely devasted as my baby has been vegged...
  16. B

    Turning hermie!! Harvest now or no??

    Yeah mate I decided an extra week my only worry is literally all the hairs have turned orange brown now isn't that a certain sign it's harvest time? Or am I completely wrong haha
  17. B

    Can I re pot in flower. In need of urgent help!

    Been awhile... I think I'm on the last week now been flushing anyways haha but yeah had some major problems with catterpilas they completely fucked my lower branch buds but managed to get rid she's a true survivor she even turned a hermie on the lower branches due to stress was going to harvest...
  18. B

    Harvest now or leave!!?? Help????

    Sorry took ages to reply mate... Do you think she's ready to harvest??? Most the pistols are now orange I'm so glad I didn't harvest a week ago there so much fatter now... The catterpilas seem to have fucked off I think i won the war in the end but they left alot of death in there wake buds...
  19. B

    Turning hermie!! Harvest now or no??

    And that's all I've been doing mate flushing her for the last week she will get just water up untill wedneaday then let it dry for harvest on Friday
  20. B

    Turning hermie!! Harvest now or no??

    I'd say its been about 7 weeks mate since switched to 12/12 come Friday its the 8th week I've read up that stardawg is only an 8 week flower if I'm correct