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  1. AliG868

    Devastated- Plant neglect

    Men have that pride thing yuh know? I gave specific step by step instructions and even offered to have someone pass by to care for my plants because I have like 50 or more lol but he insisted he got it and clearly didn’t and now this has resulted in the death of my baby
  2. AliG868

    Devastated- Plant neglect

    Update: Today was nice and hot plus after watering I feel she is majorly stressed out and even worse now still sticking by her side to see if she still got some fight left
  3. AliG868

    Devastated- Plant neglect

    Thanks man I hope she’ll come back!
  4. AliG868

    Devastated- Plant neglect

    Thanks I will try my very best to have her come back. I don’t want to prune anymore because I risk taking too much off! Also my “caretaker” is my boyfriend so he’s in deep waters right now...
  5. AliG868

    Devastated- Plant neglect

    Well here’s some terrible news. I left for 12 days hoping my caretaker for my plants wouldn’t destroy them after providing careful instructions. This is what neglect looks like. It was given 2 CUPS of tap water not PH balanced. Also no nutrients were given during this time. I now see it has...
  6. AliG868

    Low Stress Train Autoflower

    This is true
  7. AliG868

    Low Stress Train Autoflower

    I was getting confused with how to properly low stress train because I saw a bunch of plants that grew out many nodes and mine is one long stem. So when she was much younger I should have bent her sideways to let her grow? I think I understand how it’s suppose to be done
  8. AliG868

    Low Stress Train Autoflower

    Okay yes that’s what I thought you meant! Um shit I’m not sure I just let her do her thing I guess I didn’t realize I was letting her run wild you know..
  9. AliG868

    Low Stress Train Autoflower

    I’m not quite sure what you just said... lol
  10. AliG868

    Low Stress Train Autoflower

    Also it’s never too late I fixed she up
  11. AliG868

    Low Stress Train Autoflower

    Joe Blow you is da realist thanks for the pic that makes a lot more sense. I think I was looking at more non-auto flower plants so I was getting confused as to what I should be doing... I could also tell the genetics are so I won’t be ordering from “Seed Hub” again
  12. AliG868

    Low Stress Train Autoflower

    2 50 watt Right yes I made sure that the two LED’s were full spectrum. My situation is this country Canada is very cold at night so I don’t want to kill her and because there was a lil stretch I needed to make sure she didn’t snap in the wind you know. But next time I know
  13. AliG868

    Low Stress Train Autoflower

    Lol it was a purchase from amazon but it is a 50 watt that I have about 5 inches from her during the times she doesn’t get sun from outside... so that’s bad?
  14. AliG868

    Low Stress Train Autoflower

    You all I really don’t know what I’m doing I’m halfway through week 4 of my FIRST outdoor grow with Girl Scout Cookies Autoflower. I attempted to keep her low and bend out the stem but she’s determined to grow tall. I’m assuming it’s because of the strain but how do I even approach LST training...
  15. AliG868

    Newbie first outdoor Autoflower leaf yellow

    Very interesting thanks for this information! :peace:
  16. AliG868

    Newbie first outdoor Autoflower leaf yellow

    Yeah that seems like a method used for more experienced farmers. I just started off with 1 seed to see how it goes. I looked into doing coconut husk as I mix this with some of my house plants. I wanted to keep this grow as simple as possible so I can gain some experience before I start getting...
  17. AliG868

    Newbie first outdoor Autoflower leaf yellow

    Good to know, I own dart frogs so when I’m constructing their tank I must ensure everything has been properly sanitized rocks included lol
  18. AliG868

    Newbie first outdoor Autoflower leaf yellow

    No this time I opened a new bag of organic soil I assumed it’s sanitized...
  19. AliG868

    Newbie first outdoor Autoflower leaf yellow

    Wow that’s interesting yes perlite is very common in Canada I use it with all of my house plants. Do you sanitize the gravel?
  20. AliG868

    Newbie first outdoor Autoflower leaf yellow

    I’ll have to try gravel next time I have plenty holes at the bottom that I see are not blocked by the coffee filters. I added additional holes around the bottom sides of the bucket for extra drainage. I thought gravel was bad for the roots as they would eventually consume the stones.