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  1. S

    Any help? Brown spota turning black and yellow leaves

    And should i keep feeding every other watering? Thank you for the help! Apreciated
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    Any help? Brown spota turning black and yellow leaves

    So i should increase my feeding? im using 2ml of bio bloom and top max in 1liter water every 2 feedings (one plain water and other with nutes)
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    Any help? Brown spota turning black and yellow leaves

    Can someone help? Calmag? Phosphorus? I can't have access to calmag but i have diatomaceous eath should i use it?
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    Upgrade my fan

    I believe so cause every time i get this question ac infinity comes up, but there are other solutions like the PK125EC-TC wich i believe is cheaper and i got my eyes on it! Just have to wait now. I tried tonight a lot of different setting with my currrent tt vents 100. I tried unplugging the...
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    Upgrade my fan

    Thank you so much for the help! Sounds like ill have to start some savings hahaha but at least i know now what ill need
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    Upgrade my fan

    The Room is currently at 23c
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    Upgrade my fan

    Ive tried with small intractor in Room floor and extract to a window. I have 400 hps and a small clip fan inside. I am currently now trying with the passive open and letting it run for about an hour Just to check temps and rh *crossed fingers*
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    Upgrade my fan

    Ive been searching for them too but only end up with US based... Im PT so our plugs dont match either
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    Upgrade my fan

    Btw my tent is 1m2 (80cm X 80cm X 160cm)
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    Upgrade my fan

    Im I bought a growtent kit and it came with 4" tt vents Max airflow 187m3/h and its the one Who is getting me the 40ish c
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    Upgrade my fan

    Well Just received the email from prima klima and this model pk125tc is an ac fan but they have an ec model the PK125EC-TC. The big difference is not only the prices with the ac being around 120€ and ec being around 220€ is the m3/h the ac moves 400m3 and the ec moves 680m3. Thats a downer...
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    Upgrade my fan

    Just sent them an email lets wait and see
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    Upgrade my fan

    Im thinking about this one but cant seem to find any review nor opinions about it
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    Upgrade my fan

    Even if its built in?
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    Upgrade my fan

    Im extracting in and out of a window but the thing is that my tent is 0,8x0,8x1,6 meters and the extrator that came is for about 187m3/h. Does the extrator fan that comes with a thermostatic controller hum?
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    Upgrade my fan

    Hello, im New at growing indoor and had some issues with my extraction as it was running full speed and got temps around 40c degrees. The thing is. Im looking to upgrade for a rvk 150mm with dimmer and wanna know whats Best and economic way to set it or should i get the prima klima 125 with...
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    80cmx80cmx160cm (2.6x5)

    Hello, Im recently New to the grow tent bussines as i always grown outdoor. But now i had to buy a kit tent. It comes with 400w hps with pure light open ballast, an intractor 107m3/h, can-lite 150 carbon filter, extractor 145-187m3/h, is this enough? And this grow tent doesnt have wiring hole. I...