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  1. C

    Help !

    Could this possibly be nute burn ?
  2. C

    Help !

    got it thanks what kind do you use ?
  3. C

    Help !

    I will start the Neem today hopefully not to much damage thanks
  4. C

    Help !

    Xtsho thanks for the replay the underside of leafs are not showing could it be over watering ? I tend to do that they are doing well other than this perky and growing fast Thanks
  5. C

    Help !

    Spider Mites ? any advice would be appreciated other than this they seem perky and happy . Thank you !
  6. C

    New Bee

    Hay all, I am a new grower outdoors attempting some GSC please see photos just started feeding Voodoo Juice. Any advise would be appreciated. Thanks